Just thought I would throw out there some books I have been reading the past few days. I would encourage you mamas out there to check out a few of these books. Of course, God's Word is being read, as well... hoping you'd assume that. Then again, I have met "Christians" who rarely read their Bible.
1. Bringing Up Girls by Dr. James
DobsonI really found the physiological studies of the brain and hormones of the female child's makeup to be very informative and beneficial to my understanding of my three daughters. Definitely a book that I would recommend. Although I rarely find a book that I am in completely harmony with their tactics on child-rearing, this book is very helpful in
equipping fathers and mothers with details on the differences between the male and female development, not only on the obvious, but the internal mechanisms that make us distinctly female from infancy; therefore, I feel I can make better judgement on their childhood training.
2. Against the Tide (How to Raise Sexually Pure Kids in an "Anything-Goes" World) by Tim and Beverly
LaHayeFantastic book! Unfortunately, as I grew up, I had this notion that "sex" was a bad word and a bad act. Well, I am hoping to instill in my children that it really was God's idea, and if within the walls of marriage, it is not only okay, but good.
I also realize that this world wants to pervert little children's minds and bodies. This book broke my heart, as I read the statistics of little children who are abused and forever damaged from some sick-minded person who selfishly gets a thrill from stripping children's purity from them. It makes me angry, and it makes me ill. It makes me want to hide my precious children in a safe
cocoon, away from this sin-sick world. I read about movements of this world to make young men and women believe that "anything goes," and I feel indignant... rather, angry... it is destroying so many lives. You just need to read the book.
Oh, and one more thing... I am a believer that parents need to teach their OWN children about sex, purity, how God made their bodies, marriage (and, the Scriptures teaching whom we as believers in Christ are commanded to stay away from... with whom not to "be yoked together"), and how to say "no" emphatically. Also, I am starting to teach my children modesty and the "do not allow anyone to..." and the very basics of the above... baby steps, of course.
This is my own personal opinion, parents, but I think it a risky thing to allow a child freedom on the
Internet. It is my hope that small children are not even reading my post. While I was on
Facebook, I came across some VERY disturbing material. Minors who have their own page, and posting pictures of themselves in seductive clothing and
flirtatious behavior... I want to shake their parents and scream "PAY ATTENTION!!! Your child's purity is being threatened!" There are evil people out there (who, by the way, might be the person you think you could trust most... perverted people are not always yucky-looking old men), and they just might be getting pleasure out of your child's photos. Disturbing, I know, but true.
3. Reflecting Beauty by
Valorie Quesenberry.
Valorie is a friend of mine, and purchased this book from her at the Convention last week. We all want to be beautiful, don't we ladies? Modest, but beautiful inside and out... so, I was captured by the title and the fact that Valorie wrote it :-)
4. What Laymen Wish Their Pastors Knew by Rollin Mitchell
I know, you are probably wondering why I am reading this, as my husband is not a pastor right now. Well, Ron bought it, and mentioned it to me. I started reading it, and just LOVE it!!! It is straight forward on many topics... covering them with brief, but very helpful
answers. It ought to be in any ministers library, in my opinion, and I think wives of ministers should also read it.
So, there... that is my list at this present time. I know it is quite the combination, but I enjoy the variety. When I am ready for a break from housework, homeschooling, child training, or whatever, I can collapse for a few minutes with an encouraging, informative, and motivating book.
Now, if you want to know what I have been enjoying lately, as far as listening.
1. Been listening to Focus on the Family the last couple of days on the topic of the importance of sleep (okay, young moms with babies, we can all laugh together!).
2. Sermons by V.O. Agan
3. Heard some very good lessons about the role of women in the church on Revive Our Hearts recently. Not what every woman wants to hear if they enjoy overriding the God given authority of the man, but I found it rich and I appreciated hearing what I could of it.
I like to learn... when I first got married, I was a pathetic wife. I still am, at times. I knew little about cooking, organizing, how to be submissive, how to care for children... it was pathetic. I was whiny, tempermental, and self-centered. I did not understand men. I was raised in public school, which taught me next to nothing to how to make a marriage last a life-time. Yes, the school taught me how to cook some, how to balance a checkbook, etc., but I had this "back-door" escape route somehow implanted in my mind. It was crazy! I am hoping to teach my girls as much as possible about marriage, so their husbands will not have to go through what Ron has... poor guy! I actually have prayed, and plan to continue to pray, for my children's future spouses... that God would protect them from abuse and keep them pure as they grow up. I have every intention that my children will be taught obedience and to love Jesus, and my desire is that they will marry established holiness young men to are totally sold out to Jesus, kind, and are not lazy.
Wow... what a wordy post! If you made it to the end of all this reading, I would be surprised!
On a whole other note... Ron has been taken off two more pills. He is on very little medication now!!! He started with so much medication when he came out of the hospital, it is amazing he could keep it all straight! His PET is scheduled the first week of June. Pray God's will be done!