Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hospital Restrictions

If you are not immediate family, you are not really allowed to visit anymore... in any part of the hospitals here... our children are no longer allowed to visit any part of the hospital. You know, the flu scare... bla.
Ron is doing very well so far. Been eating some and exercising some. Doing fine.
Will be nice when he gets to come home! Hoping for an early discharge... some say that could actually happen since he is doing so very well. He has even been told he's the most low maintanance person up here. Praise God!


A Moment in the Life of a Mother said...

Sarah that is wonderful news. We have been praying and wondering how your main man was doing. God is so good and thankfully very much in control. We are praying for a speedy recovery. Keep the faice as Carl Rose used to!! Love ya!!

Anonymous said...

hi sarah. i'm so glad ron is doing so great. God has major plans for him i just know it. i know it's hard to be strong and the supporter of the fam right now, but don't be afraid to ask for help. sometimes even the bigger trees need the little ones for support so they don't fall. sorry i'm so sick right now. i know your shoulders could really use magic fingers right about now. hope you and the kids are well and i miss and love all of you. keep your chin up and God Bless. p.s. did you ever find your license?

Sarah Cook said...

Thanks for that reminder, Gale. Thanks for praying!

Electa, Yep, I found those licence. So sorry that you are sick. Been missin ya at church. It has been a fanastic revival so far. You'll want to get the tapes!
Love ya, friend!