Sunday, September 21, 2008


Finally!!! Hurray!!! Hop... jump... skip! During that "hurricane in Ohio" last Sunday, our area got slammed with fallen trees, uprooted trees, torn shingles, just a horrible mess here! But, we were blessed not not have damage to our home (as far as I know), but our electric was out for nearly a week!!! I like candles, but this was pushing my limits! I had to hand wash all of my laundry and hang them outside... now that caused great pains in my arms as I have alot of laundry with three children! Our grill was our stove, but we did have to eat out several times, and we had our share of dry cereal! Our refrigerator and freezer foods are lost... whine, whine... I know that hundreds of thousands of people were without power, too, so I am not alone in this complaint! I survived the week of living like Little House on the Praire. I was very happy one day when a kind person hooked my house up to a generator for a few hours (at least part of the house worked), and I got to vacuum, use my microwave, make coffee, use the computer, and turn on the dishwasher... I made great use of perhaps 4 hours of limited electricity.
We went to a family reunion today, and we loved visiting with family, checking out my cousin's many animals, huge house, farm, barn, pond, and the cool horse and buggy ride (talk about Little House on the Praire!). This was the first time I had ever seen her place... it was incredible! I think they own like 85 acres of land, and I believe her and her husband each run their own businesses! They had chickens, geese, swans, horses, cows, dogs, at least one cat, rabbits, a turkey, and who knows what else?! The landscaping was fantastic! Of all things, MY CAMERA WAS DEAD!!! Why should it work, after all, nothing was working this week... well, I was... double time!
I had my biopsy... and, being the baby that I am... I just want to say... OUCH! I hope they put me to sleep if they ever do any more stuff!
I am still waiting for the results.
Got to witness alot this week! That was exciting!
Hope to catch you up more later!

1 comment:

A Moment in the Life of a Mother said...

We know what loosing everything in the fridge/freezer is like. When we first moved to HS we were in 2 major hurricanes. We lost $500.00 out of our freezer but were smart enough not to restock. FEMA came of course and we were able to claim our loss and they supplied a food card for almost what we lost. The next year we had the same mess. Once again FEMA stepped up to the plate and bailed us out. We were 12 days without electricity the first time and about 3-5 the second. Talk about a war zone. We looked like we had been bombed. It was really sad. But everything is back to normal now(as normal as it can get)and we are praying that the storms will just go away. Don't you just love living like "Little House" for a few days to put everything into perspective. I stopped somplaining about my electric bill and just thanked God that I had one to pay. Who likes to scrubb clothes by hand and live with candles. Not me!!

Keep me updated on your biospy. Praying for you. Take care.