Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Great big, ginormous miracles...

What can I say? That has been the Cook family's life these days. Who would have ever believed it possible that my husband would be in remission right now... that is, unless you believe in miracles. There have been many hope moments for us... the rainbow (a story Ron can share), the Scriptures, the amazing way some puzzle pieces and words of others fit together though they were coming from hundreds of miles away (another great story), and the faith of so very many who have prayed. My faith has been a rollercoaster about Ron's healing... knowing that even if he wasn't healed, God is still good. Always has been, and always will be. But, today topped the cake when we heard from the James that a blood count that had been off, was negative now... it's just fine! Other counts that most would need help on at this point, are just fine! It is a miracle! And, we are rejoicing! Another condition Ron has had since his teens seems to be cured as well!!! WOW! Now, we are going to take his back pain to the Lord, Who DOES hear! Who knows best, and cares! Thank You, Lord! Help me in my unbelief!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's awesome Sarah. We will continue to pray for you guys:)