Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I know you all are waiting so anxiously...

as if I am THAT popular... my little blog and I! HA!

Well, I guess there are those out there hoping for a good update.

Well, it has been the time for sicknesses for little Faith. She just has had a time with sicknesses, especially Scarlet Fever, tummy problems, recurrent fevers, chest pain, headaches, etc... you would think being home schooled she wouldn't get sick very often, but somehow it has hit her hard this year.
Cool thing: The sick child has not been sick as to stop her from being determined to learn! She is busy in school, taught herself to ride her bike without training wheels, and has announced to me that she wants to be a doctor... well, it's a missionary, firefighting, and doctor type of desire. She says she wants to help people. She's in for alot of school if she goes for what she wants to be! She likes her doctor and cried the other day that she needed her because she didn't feel good. She is a smart little gal, and certainly has heard enough medical stuff to spark an interest. Her spiritual growth has been enormous! You wouldn't believe the things she says and asks... they seem deep for a six year old! Some questions are hard for even an adult to grasp. She has a very sensitive conscience.
Charity says she wants to be a nurse, and Hope says she wants to be a baby. Too cute!
Hope still isn't potty-trained, and Charity is absolutely hilarious in her ways... not sure how to explain Charity... she kind-of reminds me of myself as a child. She seems "dingy" in a very cute sort of way, she has a sort-of hyper-activity, and over-exaggerates her emotions. She can make you nearly laugh and cry in a single moment. She is a bit stubborn and a bit shy, yet if she is comfortable enough, she is very loud... everything is loud... her voice is loud, and she repeats herself over and over to make her point... yep, she's a Sarah child... poor kid.
Hope is a Ron child. I think she is going to drive me nuts. She is into everything. Very busy. Very busy trying to get into trouble and trying to do daring things. What is more thrilling than jumping off furniture, drawing on walls, and getting into the refrigerator or some one's purse at any moment someone isn't watching? She has this passion for the refrigerator... a love to eat. She loves to tell on her sisters and get them in trouble. Actually, she likes to tell on Daddy, too. If he does something she doesn't like, she has told him, "I'm going to go tell Mom!" Help us! These terrible twos!!! She sure is talking just fine now! She is learning alot, too. She finally figured out how to peddle that tricycle! Oh, she really loves sports-like activities... give her a pool and a floater, and she'll dive into the pool, not realizing that the only reason she doesn't drown is because of her floater, and the adults nearby watching this fearless child. Give her a trampoline, a bike, skates, a big swing, a big teeter-totter, a tall play-land, or whatever... she has to have something to conquer, or she just might tear the house down. Now, she does have one fear... BUGS! She will go frantic over the tiniest little bug. And, she fears my "your in trouble, little girl!" mode.
Well, since you likely don't know this... my swallowing problem was FINALLY figured out... yeah! It's eosinophilic esophagitis... cute name, huh? It is an allergic thing. Like asthma, my esophagus closes and causes the choking, and got that heart burn. Now to fix that deal. Stopping drinking coffee was a good step... I haven't had it in WEEKS!!! Tough decision. I really like coffee. Now I have other things to surrender, but it takes commitment and conviction to stick with it. Gotta figure out my allergies, too.
Good news, too, is that my half of a thyroid is working just great! I don't have to go to the thyroid doctor anymore. Yeah! That was a goal of mine this year, to get rid of the nodule I had... well, that was done early this year, and it went really well... I am trying to focus in some on my goals I had for this year... several have been accomplished, but many have not... I set pretty high goals sometimes.
I accidentally stabbed myself a few weeks ago with a screw driver in my gusto of sewing curtains and hanging them. I was adjusting a tension rod with the screwdriver and it slipped and stabbed between my fingers... ouch! Just a small whole, but I needed to get a tetanus shot. That shot was HORRIBLE! My arm was begging for mercy the days following, and I had flu symptoms! Blaaa! But, you know that I got lots of sewing done in the days leading up to that, but that tetanus shot does have a way of taking away the gusto. I got caught up in the burlap fad, and think this is the PERFECT time of the year for burlap... it seems so autumn-ish! It was fun to work with. I am not a perfectionist when it comes to sewing, so I can handle the mistakes I made. I made table covers, a door curtain for Faith's room (she doesn't have a door), and generally, had a blast doing it. Faith picked out material she liked for her bedroom windows, and I sewed simple curtains for her. Very bright colors.
I would love to share pictures with you, but Ron has the camera. Believe it or not, Ron went "hunting"recently, actually it was a lying down in and resting in a camper thing while holding a gun. And, he shot a deer! He couldn't drag it, he has a back situation. So, his friend did that part. Ron took the camera today to get some picts of his prize. Not a buck, but it is meat for our freezer! By the way, he is resting much to allow that back injury to heal. He isn't doing anything strenuous this week. Pray it heals quickly, as he would like to go back to work next week.
Well, now, you are probably longing to hear about Ron's latest report! Well, OSU told him... drum roll, please! ........ You are in clinic remission!!! Oh, yea, and they said, "Go, and live your life!" Spots that were shown on the PET had actually decreased in their intensity... meaning, it appears like things are doing what they ought. Yeah! I still struggle with panic when he gets a new pain, and my emotions are majorly roller-coaster like. So, one moment I am bubbling with excitement, and the next I am dwelling on uncertainties. If you have the book "Streams in the Desert", you SOOO have to read yesterday's devotional! Wow! If you don't have that devotional, save your pennies and get it... then, read October 4th's devotional!
Ron has gotten to preach in quite a few churches these days. Good for him! He has recently gotten a "promotion" in his jail ministry and can go in whenever he wants, I think, and he doesn't have to be behind glass anymore. He now can also hold services there. Yeah!
We are done for a few weeks with Children's Church, while another family in our church does there rotation. It feels strange being upstairs in the main service on Sunday mornings. I kind-of miss those youngsters down-stairs, but it is nice to get a break and be able to brainstorm.
Today, we have a viewing to go to and a funeral tomorrow. A dear lady in our church passed away. She was 91. Margaret Wick will certainly be missed!
Well, now, trying to cram in 40 days worth of words in one post is probably going to bore you stiff. Hopefully, I can get some pics on here soon, so you can SEE what has been going on.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Glad you're back and everything is going well!