Saturday, May 29, 2010

Riding bikes (two videos)

Excuse the sniffing... my allergies have been unbelievable this year... itchy eyes (extremely), itchy and sore throat, itchy roof of mouth and skin, runny nose and coughing... it is overwhelming, but, I want my children to enjoy the outdoors, so I must endure, I suppose... or, at least take some allergy medicine.

need a reminder of the cooler days??? hahaha


Pulling teeth

These two videos are from Faith's first pulled tooth. Today her second one was pulled, but this time I just pulled it with my fingers, rather than the string and doornob deal.

video of my little rollerbladers

a few pictures of recent days

Daddy and daughter

Charity and Hope weigh almost the same, so this works well.


Way out there!
Skate, babies, skate!

A date with my man.

Out by the river.

Maybe those ducks were on a date, too.

Taking a walk.

Sun must have been bright.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Where are we?

What great place has lots of toys, a trampoline, swings, a sandbox, and pool...
has food...
has a computer...
has children's favorite colors...
has games, puzzles, bikes, rollerblades...
a park nearby...
lots of clothes just your children's size...
comfy beds...
and the sounds of screeming and laughing children...
Well, I guess the pool is only about 2 feet deep, and the trampoline might be about 36 inches, but, it is just fine for my children.
The Summer stuff is out and is being enjoyed. The children have been getting TONS of exercise these days. Right now they are going crazy in the pool. It was last years pool, and, believe it or not, it blew up for me... how did it survive the winter, don't ask me. The turtle sandbox was purchased last year at the thrift store after the Summer season when everyone was cleaning out their junk... it became our treasure for a very cheap price. Ron bought sand for it a few weeks ago, and it is a fun item here. We got a miniture trampoline the other day online for a great price, and the girls and I have been getting good exercise from that. Some of the other items were other people's junk, and became our goods, like bikes, some of the skates, etc... we're having a good time with them!
Would love to show pics if I could find my camera!!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

These days...

What a busy past few days these have been! Saw my parents, sister, grandparents, aunt and cousin, had flat tire, Ron went to see the doc, and went fishing with some fantastic people. That was all in a two days time.
My friends have 6 children with another on the way... and, I hadn't seen them in a long time. Their children are so well behaved, obedient, well-mannered, and kind. They played very well with my children, and I hope we can get together with them more often. I liked the relaxed-ness of it all (did I just coin a word?). I have alot of confidence in this beautiful family!
I have an "issue" to take care of at my house... while we were away accomplishing as much as could be done in a two-day time, some critters decided to take over the place. Anyone else battling super-sized ants right now? Grrr.
By the way, I am looking for something we lost. If anyone out there we visited finds Charity's favorite doll she carries around, PLEASE let me know!!! We had it on our trip "down home", and the child was devastated not to have it in bed with her tonight. I actually am praying about it. She got it a couple of years ago when the Grace United Methodist Church loaded us with presents. She is a Dora the Explorer doll... maybe about a foot tall. She sleeps with it, bathes with it, and, it is kind-of a "real" little girl friend to her... a sort-of pretend buddy. I know this could sound silly, unless you are a mommy who has had a child attach him/herself to a toy or blankey or binky, then you would understand. She hasn't much seen Dora the Explorer shows, unless she has been somewhere else, she just likes the little girl she sees in her... has liked her for a loooong time. So, if you see her doll, please let me know, as Charity would really like her back... and, I would like to stop her tears. I certainly hope we didn't leave it at the place where our tire went flat. The toy is getting rather hideous looking with the matted hair, but, Charity doesn't mind.
Faith seems to love the country. She has taken a strong liking and interest in birds, and I am sure I need to give her a class this Summer on different species of birds. She is sooo interested in the music they make, their colorings, etc. She wants a pet Robin, and says she would name it "Chirpy." She was thrilled with the beautiful sounds of crickets, too. Does the body good, doesn't it? She has been growing up so much. She can roller blade, ride her "big" bike with training wheels... we tried it without, and she wasn't sure of herself, yet. She is VERY helpful to me, more obedient, creative, and LOVES people... loves to make new friends! She memorizes well, loves to give out tracts, eats about whatever I put on her plate (minus lettuce... we've got to work on that one), loves her pastor's wife to pieces... almost to the point of smothering her, and sees things black and white when talking about sin. For example, we passed the prison earlier, and we talked about how those people had committed a terrible crime and could even stay there all their life... she was concerned about the foreverness of it... she wanted to know what kind of bad things did they do, and she asked, "Like blowing smoke?"... which means "smoking"... too cute... we said "no, like killing someone." She has had a particular interest lately on the topic of smoking... she recently asked me if I had ever "blowed smoke." Glad I could answer "no." Whew, talk about being straight forward in her questions... she gets right to the point when asking someone about something she is concerned about... might even point out that she thinks you are having a bad attitude or wearing something that isn't right or saying words she doesn't think is good... she has done it to strangers before, and I am not quite sure what to say. We need to work on tactfulness, I guess.
Hope is growing and changing fast. She talks more, and she is becoming good buddies with Charity, although they do fight at times... but, they really love each other... especially when playing teeter-totter together at the park. They often sleep together, and want to be together. Hope is still a big eater. She is becoming a bit of a comedian, I think... she loves to make funny faces, and act funny. She loves music, too. Is a bit clingy to mama.
Well, there is a bit of a wordy update on the children. Hope to share pictures in the near future.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Life is painful...

Another person that had attended our church passed away tragically, and our hearts hearts are hurting. This is about the 4th person in about a year's time that has passed away from our church. It takes my breath away.
We will miss these dear ones.
Please, please, pray for the family of Kevin Tacket... he left behind a young wife and two very tiny children. I don't know the details, but I am told there was a car accident. I am guessing that Kevin was about my age. Pray and if you feel led, I am sure his wife and babies would appreciate any other support. His mother has gone to church for years and is so dear. My heart breaks for her.
I feel so uncomfortable talking about all this. It just doesn't feel real.
Phone calls are still being made to notify church folk and others about this tragidy. I feel like turning on my "numb" button.
It has been such a stressful day anyway. I don't feel well. Everyone is edgy.
I do have some happy things to post, but it doesn't feel right at the moment. I will have to post them another time.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What do you think?

That is my man in the photo at the top of my blog... thought that the shabby garden look of the blog with that photo would look nice... Ron is soooo cute in that hat. Even cuter when he is dressed up for our gardening theme in Children's Church. He looks like a natural farmer with those suspenders and hat. I just want to laugh when I see him like that... he looks fantastic! He is going to shoot me when he sees my blog... ha! I love you, Ron :-)
Pray about that PET in a couple of weeks... has me all nervous.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Such an exciting day yesterday... if you are a woman, that is...

Hard to take a decent picture with this camera... can't see what I am doing. Above is an attempt of taking a picture of my new-to-me treasure. Below is one of the hats I purchased... Faith is wearing it here with a dress up outfit that I think belongs to the church.

1. I had a doctor's appointment, and while I was there, my doctor told me this story about a patient of hers who is a missionary, and would you know that God works in mysterious ways. My doctor seems ready to begin a life of faith in Christ... she was planning to start reading her Bible yesterday. She really seemed so full of faith... I left with tears in my eyes. (By the way, nothing is wrong with me... it was just a check-up.) I think God has been on her trail the past few years, but I saw a readiness in her. I wondered if I should offer to pray her right there... instead, I just listened and talked with her.
2. I had a good time with my MIL at Golden Corral... she treated the kids and me to a nice meal.
3. Afterward, I took the girls to a fun park, and they played, made friends, and had a fantastic time.
4. Then, we dropped by and saw my father-n-law and brother-n-law.
5. I decided to drop by the thrift store on the way home, and was sooooo happy to find myself a heavy-duty stand-up mixer (Sunbeam with 12 speeds) with 2 different types of beaters and two sizes of the stainless steel(?) bowls. I think they are about $80-110 online, and other brands are a couple hundred dollars. It works... I made sure of that before I bought it... it makes me feel kind of rich. I got 3 little pairs of dress up shoes and a wig for the girls (some of their dress up stuff had to be tossed because they were worn out)... after paying such LOW prices on this stuff, I feel like never buying new again. I mean, why pay 3 or more times the amount, when the used looks and works like new. Got the game of Twister, which was fun to teach the girls last night, and a nice long jean skirt that looks new for Charity. Got fancy hair stuff packed together in a baggy... very nice and some were definitely brand new. Got at least one beautiful hat for the girls... Charity wants to wear it all the time, but it's a church hat... love it! Everything... including the fantastic mixer, came to like $30.25. My estimated guess is that I saved maybe $90-$100 yesterday on the items I purchased, by simply going thrift.
6. Came home,
7. mowed the grass,
8. taught the kids how to play Twister,
9. talked to my husband excitedly over my new mixer... even thought the light on it was cool... I am used to my little hand held thing that I splatter stuff everywhere with...
10. got the kids in the tub,
11. made sure they were fed,
12. teeth brushed,
13. and put to bed.
14. Listened to some UnShackled! stories online with my hubby, and
15. I played on the computer till I finally gave up the fight and went to sleep.
It was a good day.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

IHC pictures

Well, obviously, this is not at IHC, but my children love to do things to their bunny. These pictures aren't exactly in order... but, I hope you'll enjoy them nevertheless.
Princess Hope.

Picture here was taken from the veiw of the nursery.

Okay, you are going to see lots of pictures from the Children's Choir. Two of my little girls are up there, so I can help myself.

It was so cute.

The girls are close to the front, but all that was really visable of Charity was her little face... because my camera issues, I didn't get a close up.
They did a good job. My kids are still singing some of those songs.

I think IHC is a high priority in my book... so, exhausted as we were, we were faithful to attend the services... even if many of them were attended in the nursery (since my husband wasn't with me much of the time, I risked looking insane, if I had tried to manage all the children alone in the main service. They can do very well, but, Hope sometimes has issues). I enjoyed the times the children were in the Chapel of the Children, so that I could focus on whatever service I was in. Of course, I always toted Hope along with me.

Carrying away the "dead" giant. Told you they were out of order!

Slain Goliath.

David glorying over his victory.

Facing the giant.

Preparing to face the giant.

The groups of children that sang as duets or as solos, etc., did a fantastic job. Was very impressed with the small children's Scripture memorization.

Here comes that Giant! (aka Brother Baker on stilts)


We are the soldiers of the cross.


Sing, babies, sing!

Creating memories/

Maybe I got a little picture-happy.
Hope twisting in her seat. Once she wriggles he way out of her seat during IHC and the seat went flying backwards. I was trying to get them some snacks, and seemed more concerned about the snack and left-over change I had to abandon in the machine for a bit as Hope was crying and other folk were trying to calm the child... why do we put seat belts on them, when they can get out of them... and, why do I have to carry so much stuff that everytime the child gets up, the stroller falls backward? Sigh... that was beyond embarrassing.

There's Faithy.

There's Clarissa M.

Well, how about that... there is David and Goliath together.

This picture makes her look tired.

Don't ask... not sure why she had her figure in her ear??? At least, that looks like it was in her ear. Charity looks prettey, though, doesn't she? I like her hair this way.

Chapel of the Children.
Some of my favorite parts of IHC were Marc Sankey's sermon... it meant so much to me, Pastor Manley's sermon, Women of Worth, Dr. Nadine Brown's part in Building for Keeps, and Esther Dotson's part in Building for Keeps... I think Esther Dotson must be one of the sweetest ladies I have ever met. I liked all of IHC really... those were some highlights to me personally. Music speaks to me, too.
Saw lots of friends. Talked too much. Got a wee-bit stressed. More or less had a blast. :-)