Monday, January 24, 2011

Say, hey!

Do me a favor, will ya? If you are praying about our house situation, would you mind to just say "hey" in my comments? I don't expect you to pray everyday about it, but I just want to know there is two or three praying some about it. It is a huge decision, and it is exciting, even if it wasn't what we had planned when we got married (our plans were like majorly shot down, but we are getting back up and brushing ourselves off). Buying a house, believe it or not, was not on my planner... being a foreign missionary was... I know, I talk about this alot... I am just wandering if our dream might never come true... we studied and prepared for it, then, BAM! So we have nice little degrees... still fun to say we have them... learned alot from the experience. I am glad that I am able to teach CC, it really means alot to me!
We are now faced with a very reasonable desire for this little house... one that will not put us in debt for long, and sized for our little family. Please, pray, if you don't mind!


Angie D said...

Praying in Frankfort too!

Sarah Cook said...

Thank you, ladies!

Carrie said...

I'll be praying for you, that God's will is done! Isn't it funny (or not, sometimes), how we think our plans are laid out before us and we come to the realization that God may have something totally different for us?

He took us on a MANY year (as in about 12) detour before He's just now allowing Robert to fulfill his call.

So, take heart, settle in, and enjoy the ride! He might just be preparing you to help someone else that will be traveling a similar road you have already traveled!

Anonymous said...

Hi, you don't know me, but I just wanted to let you know I'm praying for your situation!!

Martha C said...

Hi, Sarah. My computer does not like you anymore and will not open the link to your blog. Stinky disobedient computer that it is! Ha. :-) It was nice to catch up on your news (linked through another blog). I certainly hope the house works out in your favor, and I will be praying. I love you guys and think of you often.

Liz said...

I will be praying for your house situation, Sarah.