Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Shame on me...

Why did I share "my opinion" without giving the Scriptural reasons? Not sure. So allow me to share some Scripture for my friends who disagree about the abortion subject. I should not have ranted and raved without giving you the foundation for what I believe. You might want to grab a Bible.

I believe in the Bible as inspired by God (II Timothy 3:16-17). I believe that God created the universe (Genesis 1), that man was created in His image, and that the first people sinned against God (read the first few chapters of Genesis, it will give you a great foundation). From then on, all have sinned (Romans 3:23). Sin separates us from a holy God, and the penalty is death and Hell (Romans 6:23). Jesus, God's Son, payed the price for our sins (John 3:16). If we repent, believe in Christ, and accept God's gift, Jesus, then we can be forgiven and we can live right before God (check out I John 1:9). That is just a little summary of what we believe as Christians.

We live in a day when people believe there are no absolutes... especially no absolute right and wrongs... that whatever works for you is fine. The Bible teaches otherwise. God is absolute... He is what is Good. What He says is right, is. What is an abomination to Him, is utterly evil. There is only one way to Heaven, and that is through Jesus (John 14:6). So, it is not a matter of my opinion whether or not it is right to kill a baby... it is actually wrong. Here is why I believe that...

(If you need a Bible, email me..., and I will see what I can do... If you have one and have trouble looking up these references, look at the front of your Bible, and you should be able to find a list of the Books of the Bible, and what page each starts on. I would type out all of the Scriptures for you, but it would take a long time, and I need to tend to my children.)

Psalm 139:13-18
Luke 18:16
Matthew 18:1-6
Exodus 20:13

If anyone has any other Scriptures to add to help those who don't understand the importance of children to God even before birth, please feel free to comment.

Also, I did leave a comment about same-sex marriage, and I thought I would give you some Scripture for that as well.

I would encourage you to read the first chapter of Romans
I Corinthians 6:9-11 (Don't know what version of the Bible you have, but you should look up the meaning of those words, if you don't understand... it is VERY clear!!!)
Check out Genesis 19, about Sodom.
For those who are struggling with this, there is hope in Christ... Check out that 11th verse in I Corinthians 6.
Let me also point out that all Scriptures teaching about marriage, how it is supposed to be, always teaches one MAN and one WOMAN, and Jesus said it is for life! There is sooo much Scripture on that, it would take a while for me to get them all typed... but, if you request it, I will try to give you several.

I am all about freedom... but, true freedom is found only when one is set free from sin's traps, and that is through Christ. Freedom is giving that baby a chance to live and freedom is giving people hope, love, and acceptance. If you are pregnant and feel you cannot care for your child, there are organizations and churches waiting to help you... with prayer, councilling, assistance on raising your child, or perhaps, even adoption.
If you have already had abortions, there are organizations and churches waiting to help you, too. Athough they may not be able to fix the physical damage or maybe even all of the emotional damage you will suffer, they can help... then, of course, there is Jesus... He cares about what you are going through, and He is definitely waiting for you to come to Him... He can help you more than anyone. There is HOPE!

Thanks again for your comments!!! You've given me an opportunity to explain why I believe this. To be quite honest, there was a day that perhaps I believed like you do... I went to public school from kindergarten through 12th grade, and got "brainwashed" into all sorts of strange beliefs... It has taken a very long time to cut loose those ideas and thoughts that were totally unBiblical. That is one reason I really do not want my children in public schools... well, that and MANY other reasons, which may need to be a post for a later time. I know of some people I respect very highly who send their children to public schools, so I am not de-moralizing those who do, but I do find it to be quite risky!


The Dickinsons said...

Sarah, thank you for your nice comments on my blog. I agree with all you go girl, you did a great job presenting Biblical reasons for what we believe. =)

Been praying for y'all when you come to my mind...I trust that God is giving y'all the strength for whatever you have been going through lately. I understand about WANTING your baby to sleep through the night...I'm sooo exhausted.

Anonymous said...

You have hit the nail om the head. The very unfortuante thing is that the most of the people who rant and rave, will not listen to anothers point of view. I hope you putting this out there has touched many lives. Glad you did not let the persons comment get you down. Keep fighting the good fight. Also a interesting fact our country was founded on Christian pricipals.

Martha C said...

Sarah, I usually refrain from posting or commenting when I am upset, but I plan to break the rules this time! :-) I am VERY frustrated with the anonymous person who decided to rip what you were saying and did not have the moral courage to type their name! I would also suggest they take a basic English grammar study so they do not continue to abuse their native tongue. It would make it easier for people to determine what they are saying when they know how to use contractions and conjugate verbs. Good grammar makes for better credibility.
I would like to make a few comments if you do not mind:
1. Abortion IS NOT A WOMAN'S RIGHT! It is murder, and a violation of the most basic right we have - life. Abortion is nothing but an excuse for immoral people who desire promiscuity. And if you're touting "Women's Rights," whatever happened to unborn women's rights?! Seems as though they are continually trampled. Just because a law gives you the "right" to do something doesn't mean that God's supreme law is no longer necessary. I suggest anonymous refresh themselves with the 10 Commandments.
2. In political races we do have to choose the "lesser of two evils." When you think about it, we make those choices each day. I try to eat at fast food joints that are not open on Sunday and do not pass my money to sinful groups. I make a choice. I make a choice. I would choose a non-magazine checkout lane at Walmart if they had one! As for voting, I think a lot of people wouldn't even vote for George Washington if he were alive today as they would find some faults in his lifestyle. We do have a choice in November. There are Independents who are running, or we could choose a patriotic man who truly loves America and has a few basic moral standards. We could choose a M*slim with t*rrorist/c*mmunist/M*rxist ties who believes that babies born alive from botched abortions should be left to die as not to "complicate the original decision," calls babies a punishment, takes the Bible out of context and scoffs at it, doesn't even know enough about this country to realize there is not a state called "New Pennsylvania," sat under preaching for years that was laced with prejudices against Christians, Jews, Caucasians and anyone else who doesn't fit their agenda. That same candidate thinks s*x education should be taught as young as kindergarten, is known to have a bitter and prejudiced wife. . . I could keep going, but I will refrain.
Sorry to go so long, Sarah. I was just mad for you, and if you remember, I am not afraid of confrontation. :-) You were dead on in your posts. Do not let anonymous people frustrate you. I got frustrated for both of us! Ha. By the way, if you do not want all of this political stuff on your comments, please feel free to delete mine.
Have a great day!

Martha C said...

Why, oh why, did I not preview my comment before publishing?! :-) I have an echo going on in there, and I did not mean to say "wouldn't even." Oh, well. . .I never was a good proofreader of my own work anyway.

Martha C said...

And to keep knocking the false idea of "Women's Rights," women find themselves in trouble for selling their bodies, walking down the street without clothing, not wearing a seatbelt, using drugs... Doesn't sound like they have many rights! We really do not have the right to do anything we please.

Sarah Cook said...

Thank you, dear friend, Martha! I think you seemed a bit upset:-)... yep, I think I remember you well! Thanks for the help!
No, I am not deleting you!

Sarah Cook said...

And, JS Morgan... I didn't know who you were until I asked Ron! Ha! Glad you have been reading our blog! See ya at church!

Sarah Cook said...

Hey, Martha, I have some more confrontations for you to take care of, if you would like the job! HA! Have you ever considered running for public office? Just kidding! But, we DO certainly need people these days to say the truth with boldness! I like to give Scriptures when possible, but unfortunately, many people just look at the Bible as just one of many good books.
I like to use my blog as a tool to share the truth of God's Word while also keeping others updated on my family... like a mission field, I suppose.

Sarah Cook said...

Thanks for the encouragement... your comment made my day! Thanks for praying for us... it has been a very tough week for me emotionally... It is the "unknown" sometimes that is so frightening!