Monday, April 20, 2009

Some pictures of the past few days!

Eyebrow + coffee table= 5 small stitches

Watching the services through the nursery windows.

The mass choir... aaah, it is quite heavenly... I have always had a thing for the mass choir!

You may wonder... "well, in the previous post you said you would change some things about last week if you could, what would you change?" I believe I would have brought my double stroller and a child leash... I don't care if people would have looked at me strange for leashing my child... it would have been MUCH better than loosing them!!! I NEVER EVER want to go through that again!!! These next few picts were taken RIGHT BEFORE Charity disappeared... during my panic over loosing her, I lost my camera, but later (after the Children's Choir was over) I found it. As you can see, she was already hyper!

The littlest princess with her pizza.

Another living room picture.

Digging for a tape to listen to... lunch still on her face.

The Cook family schoolroom.

Working away.
That plus an escalator story pretty much sums things up!

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