Tuesday, July 31, 2007

personal witnessing

Today, I took the opportunity to share some of God's love with some neighbors. I made homemade chocolate chip/oatmeal cookies... wrote notes and put in the envelopes a tract on how to be saved. I hope they enjoyed it, and that they read the tract... I want them know how much God loves them, and how He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for them. I was only able to share the cookies with 9 homes today. I tried one myself, and it was pretty yummy... I tried to be careful about the baking soda, because I know I don't care for a strong soda taste in my cookies. I hope they turned out well for everyone. It took a quite a bit of time to write a note to each, but I wanted them to know I cared, and wasn't trying to be too formal.
It was rather fun, and I have some nice neighbors... Hope it made their day!

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