Saturday, November 21, 2009

God is on the move...

in my heart. Oh, I am not saying that things were great today... but, I am submitting more. Submitting more to God, my husband, and listening and reading and learning more... because I am so ready to be done with fighting with God. He has me! I don't know what the future holds in our family, and I am tired of trying to be "God" and figure it all out. There is so much more peace when God is allowed to be God. Ron is His. If He wants to take him, then that is what is good... because God is good, and does not make mistakes. If God chooses to heal Ron, then that is good... and, I know He can, but I also know that God's ways are not our ways, and He sees the finished puzzle when we only see odds and end pieces. God allowed me to marry this fantastic man, though I don't know why... I haven't exactly been the best wife, but I am honored. He has been so very brave, and has done so very well through all of this. He just keeps marching on, sharing God's love and doing what work he is able to do. In fact, he is hoping to get back to work by the end of January, and knowing Ron, he just might do it... I might be surprised if he doesn't do it. He really is doing well, even with the numerous problems that arise... it is like he is just jumping hurdles, one comes, he jumps... another comes, and he jumps again, and he even laughs along the way. I am proud of him. Keep jumping, Ron! You're doing a good job! I love you!


Martha C said...

I like your new blog template, Sarah.
Think of you often, dear Friend! Hope all goes well with Ron (The man that wouldn't slow.). :-)

Missy said...

My family and our church pray for you and Ron and your family! God can comfort you during this time. You are a very strong woman. I can see God's grace in you!