Saturday, November 21, 2009


I am changing my blog tone a bit, so I have erased some info that I had put on here. It is part of my surrender to Jesus right now. I have been ignoring Him, I guess you could say. I repented the other night here at my house. My attitudes, thoughts, and desires were not Christ-like and it had much to do with my lack in prayer and consistancy with studying the Scriptures. God is meeting my need as I surrender my desires and hopes to Him. It sure feels better than trying to figure it out myself. Praise God!


A Moment in the Life of a Mother said...

Sarah, when we go through the hard times that you have gone through, we sometimes feel like we have strayed. We are so busy caring for our loved one and we just can't find the time to pray and read like we should. It doesn't mean that we've backslid or changed. We just need some time to get alone with God to be renewed physically as well as spiritually. You just keep pressing on. God will not leave or forsake his child who is in the midst of a battle. I'll be praying for you and for Ron. Take care.

UpstateNY said...

God isn't real. You're brainwashed and are afraid to question it, which is why you are so convinced that everything can be washed away with a "repentance". Religious dogma. You should question it.