Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Ron Update

Well, last week, he had 2 transfusions... one platelet and one red blood cells, and they gave him some Neupogen once for low white blood cells. A few days ago, he developed that platelet rash, petechiae, apparently... it was on his feet mostly. They didn't seem too concerned about it... guess it must be a common thing. Tonight he just developed a rash across his face, on his upper chest, and I think it on the top on his head, too... not sure if it is from this perfumy soap he grabbed off the sink to wash his face earlier or what. He thought it could have been from the fluids they gave him earlier today because of his increased creatin levels... but, after he called the nurse, we know it is not likely that... he took a Benadryl, and I will check him in the night for any spreading of the rash... the worst thing it might be is probably the dreaded Graft-Versus-Host disease (rash is one of the symptoms). I am paranoid about it, I guess. Acute GVHD can come on quickly and can range from a mild to a severe reaction. It may be different than some other transplants that have rejections in that it is the donor's cells rejecting YOU not necessarily yours rejecting the donors... so the symptoms may be different in that way. Let's hope my imagination is just getting the best of me, and that this is nothing serious. Ron is sensitive to alot of things, after all.

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