I was trying to post a video of Faith doing a summer-saut, but I am having trouble... I will try again!
Wow! I certainly have enough housework for about 5 women to feel fulfilled in accomplishing! Why am I posting on my blog, then? I am trying to escape!!!
I went to the eye doctor finally (I skipped some appt because I thought it was not that necessary compared to everything else... but, since I was having a floater problem, I thought... Guess I better go and at least count it as a yearly check-up. He says once again that the optic nerve shows some border-line signs of glaucoma, and he wants me to come back in 4 months. The pressure in my eyes are okay. At least right now, I don't need to get new glasses! That is good news!
Oh, in case I didn't tell you, I am no longer taking thyroid medicine for that annoying nodule... the specialist said it is not proven to help... so, why take something that isn't helping?! She also acted like my choking was "just a sensation of choking." Guess that vomiting session was a sensation! HA! If the nodule grows (they check this by ultrasound), then they can have it removed, otherwise, unless it annoys me too badly, I can just keep it as a souvenir, I guess. Sometimes they shrink on their own.
It is getting beautiful and white out here!
The kids are doing very well. I am seriously amazed at Faith's memory. She has been recalling and sharing stories from WAY back. She told me last night about how she had lost her fish net in the lake... I remember that time, and I had felt so badly about her little net we had just got for her. Ron had had her in the canoe and I guess she dropped it and it didn't float... it just sunk away. I can feel pretty sentimental sometimes... HA! This story came up while she was reading "Little Book #7" (for those ABEKA teachers), and she read the word NET. I find that listening to her read her little books is a great time to hear old stories! Faith is excited for Spring and Summer to come so she can go fishing again!
Skinny little Charity LOVES to be involved with Faith's school time, too. I am sooo happy to have this little one potty-trained! She is so independent, she wants to do everything "by myself," even through tears of frustration!
Hope is walking very well now. She is now 13 months and 1 day! She has learned a new trick. I was hushing the girls the other day, and Hope makes this hilarious face, and says, "shhhh." Cracked me up! The pediatrician's office called the other day to tell me some routine blood test of Hope's came back that she was slightly anemic, and to be sure that I give her vitamins daily. So, I have started giving her those nasty smelling, clothes staining, vitamin with iron drops. She doesn't seem to mind it at all!!! I think she actually likes the stuff! She is a doll! Looks sooo much like her daddy! Can't help but to give her a squeeze!
Daddy's about as busy as ever! I actually shaved the back of his neck last night for the first time in months! It's nice to see him with hair again!
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