Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Princess is, um... a Prince... ooops!

Well, there was a mistake at the pet store... the lady told me the wrong gender of our bunny... as it is very obvious now. Faith is a bit troubled at the news that Mommy discovered today. Not sure why I hadn't noticed earlier... guess I never paid attention, just took the lady's word for it. HAHAHA! The rabbit is having an identity crisis.

On a whole different note, my dad is out of the hospital. Local result showed the mass on his leg was a fatty tumor. Now he just needs to recover. It is a painful recovery.

Faith is still battling fevers but, it seems to be improving.
Do you see the temp on the thermometer in this photo?
We've been having a good news sort of day... that is... until it was discovered that Princess was not exactly what we thought... I think we might just call it Prince, so it's not too big of a change. Faith wanted to know if it was still a dwarf... :-) Glad it still is a tiny critter, at least!


Beth said...

Hope she gets well soon!

Sarah Cook said...

Thanks, Beth!