Here are some of the answers to the questions asked in an earlier post. These are not in any certain order, but here we go:
Of course, we have three children... Faith Ann (5 years and in kindergarten... homeschooling), Charity Ruth (3 years), and Hope Christiana.
Ron and I have been married for a little over 6 years.
We were both GBS students and became acquainted then.
I was in New Mexico doing mission's work on a Navajo Reservation with the Yates' family. Ron was back here in the Dayton area when we were "dating."
We were married June 14, 2003, a month before I turned 22, and Ron was 27.
We had both felt called to do mission's work years before.
Ron had a lump under his arm in the Fall of 2007, at which time I was expecting our third baby in December.
He had received antibiotics, but they did not help. Had a biopsy... Ron was pretty convinced it was an infection or something, but before we found out the results of that biopsy, Ron developed double vision, and could not even drive to work... went to the eye doc, they sent him for MRI, family doc calls us, tells us to go to this neurologist, bring wife, lots of info... In that one dramatic sweep of a week, it all to a head in that neurologist's office as he said, "You have Hodgkin's, right?" We were like "um... nobody has said anything to us about it." or something like that. And, so, the flood of news swept over us as the doctor confirms that the biopsy of the swelling under his arm was indeed Hodgkin's disease... a form of lymphoma, and not only that but there was a tumor growing under Ron's brain that would have to be very quickly taken care of... that Sunday!!! Ron had been having low grade fevers at night and night sweats... I was sure it was something serious.
Now, generally, Hodgkin's lumps are not painful, but his was very tender and kept growing... got antibiotics, because of an infection. Before his brain surgery, he had to take steroids to slow the tumor's growth, because of the headache Ron started getting. I think it was against an optic nerve and a blood vessel... the surgery would be tricky, but he made it, and I still remember my fear and grief... him looking dead, but talking a mile a minute, and I still remember making those phone calls before all this to somehow break the news that Ron had this deadly disease called cancer... What a week and a half that was. The following Sunday, after Ron's surgery, he was back in church!!! Stitches across half his head and a head covering made him look rough. He had just turned 32.
Ron has had radiation to his head (tumor area that is no longer there), and to his chest. He had had 4 regimens of chemo and is about to have another. He is about to get full body irradiation and chemo and his second stem cell transplant.
It was maybe about this time two years ago that he discovered that lump... but, he did not realize that he was Stage 4B.... the B means he was symptomatic. He was loaded with disease! It was all through lots of lymph nodes in the chest, under his arms, under his brain, and it even showed up on the PETs as starting on several bones! His organs were fine.
He had to have lots of tests, but one that really frightened me was the HIV test. It is a standard test for people with Hodgkin's, but he was negative... what a sigh of relief! One of the grossest tests was the bone marrow biopsy. Remember, I was pregnant, and the sight of Ron's head being wrapped up with a tube with blood hanging out was enough to almost make me faint, but watching them drill Ron's hip while he was wide awake, was quite something! He was tough, and there were so many people who stepped up to the plate and were so kind and helpful. Christmas that year was one I hope I never forget! I have never seen so many presents in my life! I had a new baby on the 13th, Ron had already had radiation to his head, and had started chemo, but he was alive, and churches had made my children's Christmas very special!
Fatigue is normal for Hodgkin's Disease, but Ron perseveres.
The Epstein Barr Virus is sometimes thought to be related to Hodgkin's. So, are other immune deficiency problems, but there is no conclusive cause of the disease.
The shots I have had to give to Ron are Neupogen... they boost the marrow to produce white blood cells, which are often killed off the chemotherapy. The chemo is designed to killed fast growing cells... cancer... but, other cells are also fast growing, like your hair, nails, and white blood cells. I learned to give these shots initially as a nursing school student. I didn't get a nursing degree, but I did do clinicals on a med/surg floor and then, on an oncology floor. This was before I even went to New Mexico... I believe this was God's preparing me for caring for my husband.
Now, Hodgkin's, if treated in Stage 1 or 2, is said to be 93 percent curable. One of the standard treatments is ABVD, and is pretty successful, from what I understand... but, Ron's cancer was more extensive, and although it was initially reacting well to the chemo, it started to grow again... even with the ABVD.
Ron is about to go for a major treatment that is very frightening... he is to get his line put in again on Wed and do the planning, etc., of the radiation. Thursday starts the big chemo, then after a few days of that, he is to get the radiation, I believe, then after that is the transplant of umbilical cord/placenta cells. After this comes the sickness, and the drop of cells as his own immune system is wiped out of his body and the new cells take over. And, caution is up as we watch for any viruses, bacteria, fungi and protect him from them, and watch for the dreaded Graft-Versus-Host Disease.
I know that this probably does not answer all those questions, but maybe I can answer them in a future post.
When Ron is admitted in The James, I will try to post his address and room number so those who wish to send cards may. Remember that if you have any signs of illness or soiled clothing, please have those resolved before visiting him. You must wash your hands before and after leaving his room, and you could be asked to wear a mask and gown if Ron is ill. No children under 12 may come into the unit. Visitors are welcome, but I will caution that he may not feel like talking after the first week is over, but he would feel encouraged if his friends stopped by. If you want to bring youth or children, a cool idea is to find out where his room is and stand under his room, and wave up to him. Last time, there was an awesome veiw from his room and it would have been neat for a group of people to show up and wave up to his room to cheer him on. Just an idea! My children may visit in the family waiting area, and he can come out with his mask and hat and IV pole to visit them if he is well enough. Faith is already asking me if she may visit Daddy in the hospital, and he is not even there yet.
We are still praying for God's will in the care of our children. We want Godly, kind influences in their lives right now, and I have someone like that to watch them Wednesday, and I have some offers from people... I also am trying to be cautious not to overwhelm anyone, either... it does take alot of energy and patience to care from 3 little ones, and they need a gentle touch right now... their lives are about to be disturbed again.
SO, there you go... a quick review of the answers to a previous posts, and what our walk through this cancer has been like.
Thank you for your prayers.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
We got home late last night. Then this morning, I made the girls help clean the house up so we could go out for a fun day. We went to a large McDonald's Play-land, then to a Metro-Park/farm. It was amazing. They have animals, a lake you can fish in without a fishing licence, trails, and people dressed up like the late 1800s. They also have a children's interactive room with an old school-room/house/barn set up inside. The girls had a blast!
I ran into a complication with keeping my children together a few times... I just need one or two more arms, and I would be set. Once was at McD... that was so embarrassing... here I was trying to order our food, and they were giving me a hard time... that was one of those moments that I just really needed Ron to hold the baby for me so I could get the food without dropping it, but we made it. Another time was when we went to leave the lake, and Faith collapsed on the ground for some reason and just sat there. I just kept walking without her (it was raining) and brought the rest of the children to the van, fastened them in, turned on the van, got in, and acted as though I was going to leave her. That got her moving! Of course, I would never leave a 5 year old at some park (anyone who would do that must be out of their mind!), but she was not quite so sure at that moment. She received discipline upon her arrival and a lecture on how dangerous it is to not stay close to your parents when you are little and obey, but then, we went on with our fun day. She was really tired, and all of the children fell asleep in the van when we left. We went thriftstore shopping after I discovered the libraries were already closed, and I got some cheesy toddler video for the kids, and though I found it annoying the kids enjoyed watching it when we got home and ate supper. I also bought them some other stuff. (Why is it so fun to buy stuff for your children?) Then, it was time to get their teeth brushed, have a Bible story, and all those night-time things, and go to bed. Then, I could have time to read my Bible and pray.
It was a packed day, and tomorrow I have more fun things planned.
If all of this bored you to pieces, I am sorry, but I was really proud of myself for all the things I did with my children today without anybody with me... well, I had Jesus with me... believe me, I did some praying for help the past couple of days... my children might have their Mommy's prayers of "Please, Jesus, I need Your help" all the time so ingrained in their minds, I wouldn't be surprised if they don't start saying it soon. I really need Jesus' help in everything! He did help me and the children. They had so much fun!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Breaking news: the big day is...
WEDNESDAY. Yes, that is right! The insurance has now approved Ron's stem-cell transplant and the call came in today... they want him there this coming Wednesday!!! I don't know whether to be happy or to throw myself on my bed in tears! I am scared, excited, nervous, upset, relieved, uptight... well, it is a weird combination of emotions, and I am trying to stay busy... I need to think about something else... I mean, the brain surgery was a huge and dangerous ordeal, as was the autologous transplant, but this!?! I know others have made it through it and have been put into remission... check out this week's Focus on the Family to hear a story about a family who went through bone marrow transplants as well... but, I am still scared.
Ron is one of those guys some women dream of marrying, but they end up marrying a guy who is lazy and yells at their children. Ron and I argue sometimes... yes, but we have deep love for one another. You ought to see the way he trains our children! He does not spank them while he is upset... nope, he just goes and cools off, then talks with the child who was disobedient or mean, then he very carefully spanks them, then, he prays with them, hugs them... that is his usual manner. They know he loves them, and they also know he doesn't forget when he says they are in trouble... he just waits a while and makes sure he does it right. He is firm, but gentle... he is the dream of many children's hearts for a father. He tells them Bible stories about every night before they go to bed. They love to play with daddy. They love to sing and make music with daddy. Daddy provides very well for them. Daddy fishes with them, swims with them, eats with them, talks with them, makes up games with them, and they know Mommy calls him her "hero"... just ask Charity! They are really going to miss him... so is Mommy.
There are so many little and big things I have never really thanked him for... I mean, he goes out of his way to make my life easier... he loves me. Some husbands yell, scream, hit, and are never around... that is not Ron... I mean, yes, he works hard and does ministry, but by no means does he neglect his family. He is not the yelling type, and he definitely does not hit... and, screaming is something he does not like at all. He HATES verbal abuse! If he feels he has been too strong verbally with me, then he will apologize... he definitely does not abuse the children... no way! And, woe be to the person who would try to verbally attack his children or wife... HE DOES NOT PUT UP WITH SUCH TRASH! He is a protector. We are very safe when he is near... he will not allow others to abuse his family in any way. I love that about him. He really is my hero!
I can hardly wait until this ordeal is over and we can get on with our lives... he could get cured... wouldn't that be awesome! The chance may only be 25-33%, depending on which doc you are talking to, but it is a chance!
I thought that maybe I could give you all a quiz to see if you could remember or guess what this walk through Ron's cancer has been like. Let's see how many you can it figure out. Ready? Set? GO!
1. What were the first three signs or symptoms we noticed that lead Ron to get checked out?
2. How long ago did those appear?
3. A major symptom popped up before we got the test results back... what was it?
4. What had to take place the Sunday after we found out the results?
5. What major thing was going on with me at the same time?
6. How old did Ron just turn when he got the diagnosis?
7. What type of cancer/disease does Ron have?
8. What stage was it when it was found?
9. Where was the cancer located?
10. Where has he had radiation?
11. How many regimens of chemotherapy has he gone through?
12. How many surgeries has he had?
13. How many well- meaning people have called, written, sent literature, or talked to us about many alternative methods of cure? These are herbs, magnetic therapies, Indian remedies, anything that is not standard insurance-covered therapies. You may count me, too, since I also tried to convince Ron of something. Not that I am a doc or anything, I just care, too.
14. What is the abbreviations for the standard treatment of Ron's disease that generally puts many folks with his disease into remission?
15. What type of cells are associated with his disease?
16. If a patient is stage one or two, what is the cure rate?
17. What is the mortality rate doing this treatment he is about to go through?
18. I have given many shots to Ron... what kind is it? And, what does it do?
19. His disease is characterized somewhat because it is known for lowering one's body of immunity. This is increased by the chemotherapy killing off WBC... why does chemotherapy kill white blood cells when it is supposed to kill cancer cells?
20. There are many tests that someone must go through when they are diagnosed with this disease. What test majorly frightened me at the beginning of Ron's disease? What other test grossed me out?
21. What are the typical signs and symptoms of this disease Ron has? You should learn this... it has a way of creeping through a person who is unaware... or, too busy to just realize their body is infested with disease.
22. What disease is possible for Ron to have years from now because of his treatments?
23. How long have we been married?
24. How many children do we have?
25. What are their names and ages?
26. Ron and I were both called into a particular thing years before we were married... what was our united calling?
27. Where did we meet?
28. Where did Ron live when we were "dating"? Where was I?
29. Where did I first learn how to give the shot I have given Ron? Where did I get hands-on training in the area of oncology and med-surg? Hint: It was not a coincidence!
30. Are Ron and I still dreaming of fulfilling our calling?
Guess that is enough for now... you can find many of the answers to these questions by looking back through old posts... take a walk with us as we look back at what God has helped us through. Some people ask how we can do it. Honestly, sometimes I think God has numbed us... other times He held us as we cried. And, He was even there when I was angry. Some folks say they don't get angry, but well, sometimes I hurt so bad, I feel kind-of mad. Sometimes I just don't understand it all, but when the fog clears up I see God's hand-prints of grace and preparation in our lives. It is not about whether Ron gets healed... it is about whether God can keep us through it all. Will we run away from Him? Will we hate Him for allowing such apparent tragedy? Will we trust Him in the valley of the shadow of death? I have ran some, been confused, angry, and have had to ask Him to forgive me. He just takes me back and holds me and like a gentle father, He holds me close and lets me cry on His shoulder and rocks me until I calm down. I have no better one to turn to... but, my Creator and Saviour. And, I know of no other better example of God's grace and strength in our day than my husband. I know it is dangerous to put a person on a pedestal, but if you know Ron, I know you would have to agree. Keep on praying, dear friends, for him... this is tough stuff.
Until next time...
Clinging to the Rock
PS: I'll try to give you the above answers soon... in the meantime, see if you can figure them out yourself.
Ron is one of those guys some women dream of marrying, but they end up marrying a guy who is lazy and yells at their children. Ron and I argue sometimes... yes, but we have deep love for one another. You ought to see the way he trains our children! He does not spank them while he is upset... nope, he just goes and cools off, then talks with the child who was disobedient or mean, then he very carefully spanks them, then, he prays with them, hugs them... that is his usual manner. They know he loves them, and they also know he doesn't forget when he says they are in trouble... he just waits a while and makes sure he does it right. He is firm, but gentle... he is the dream of many children's hearts for a father. He tells them Bible stories about every night before they go to bed. They love to play with daddy. They love to sing and make music with daddy. Daddy provides very well for them. Daddy fishes with them, swims with them, eats with them, talks with them, makes up games with them, and they know Mommy calls him her "hero"... just ask Charity! They are really going to miss him... so is Mommy.
There are so many little and big things I have never really thanked him for... I mean, he goes out of his way to make my life easier... he loves me. Some husbands yell, scream, hit, and are never around... that is not Ron... I mean, yes, he works hard and does ministry, but by no means does he neglect his family. He is not the yelling type, and he definitely does not hit... and, screaming is something he does not like at all. He HATES verbal abuse! If he feels he has been too strong verbally with me, then he will apologize... he definitely does not abuse the children... no way! And, woe be to the person who would try to verbally attack his children or wife... HE DOES NOT PUT UP WITH SUCH TRASH! He is a protector. We are very safe when he is near... he will not allow others to abuse his family in any way. I love that about him. He really is my hero!
I can hardly wait until this ordeal is over and we can get on with our lives... he could get cured... wouldn't that be awesome! The chance may only be 25-33%, depending on which doc you are talking to, but it is a chance!
I thought that maybe I could give you all a quiz to see if you could remember or guess what this walk through Ron's cancer has been like. Let's see how many you can it figure out. Ready? Set? GO!
1. What were the first three signs or symptoms we noticed that lead Ron to get checked out?
2. How long ago did those appear?
3. A major symptom popped up before we got the test results back... what was it?
4. What had to take place the Sunday after we found out the results?
5. What major thing was going on with me at the same time?
6. How old did Ron just turn when he got the diagnosis?
7. What type of cancer/disease does Ron have?
8. What stage was it when it was found?
9. Where was the cancer located?
10. Where has he had radiation?
11. How many regimens of chemotherapy has he gone through?
12. How many surgeries has he had?
13. How many well- meaning people have called, written, sent literature, or talked to us about many alternative methods of cure? These are herbs, magnetic therapies, Indian remedies, anything that is not standard insurance-covered therapies. You may count me, too, since I also tried to convince Ron of something. Not that I am a doc or anything, I just care, too.
14. What is the abbreviations for the standard treatment of Ron's disease that generally puts many folks with his disease into remission?
15. What type of cells are associated with his disease?
16. If a patient is stage one or two, what is the cure rate?
17. What is the mortality rate doing this treatment he is about to go through?
18. I have given many shots to Ron... what kind is it? And, what does it do?
19. His disease is characterized somewhat because it is known for lowering one's body of immunity. This is increased by the chemotherapy killing off WBC... why does chemotherapy kill white blood cells when it is supposed to kill cancer cells?
20. There are many tests that someone must go through when they are diagnosed with this disease. What test majorly frightened me at the beginning of Ron's disease? What other test grossed me out?
21. What are the typical signs and symptoms of this disease Ron has? You should learn this... it has a way of creeping through a person who is unaware... or, too busy to just realize their body is infested with disease.
22. What disease is possible for Ron to have years from now because of his treatments?
23. How long have we been married?
24. How many children do we have?
25. What are their names and ages?
26. Ron and I were both called into a particular thing years before we were married... what was our united calling?
27. Where did we meet?
28. Where did Ron live when we were "dating"? Where was I?
29. Where did I first learn how to give the shot I have given Ron? Where did I get hands-on training in the area of oncology and med-surg? Hint: It was not a coincidence!
30. Are Ron and I still dreaming of fulfilling our calling?
Guess that is enough for now... you can find many of the answers to these questions by looking back through old posts... take a walk with us as we look back at what God has helped us through. Some people ask how we can do it. Honestly, sometimes I think God has numbed us... other times He held us as we cried. And, He was even there when I was angry. Some folks say they don't get angry, but well, sometimes I hurt so bad, I feel kind-of mad. Sometimes I just don't understand it all, but when the fog clears up I see God's hand-prints of grace and preparation in our lives. It is not about whether Ron gets healed... it is about whether God can keep us through it all. Will we run away from Him? Will we hate Him for allowing such apparent tragedy? Will we trust Him in the valley of the shadow of death? I have ran some, been confused, angry, and have had to ask Him to forgive me. He just takes me back and holds me and like a gentle father, He holds me close and lets me cry on His shoulder and rocks me until I calm down. I have no better one to turn to... but, my Creator and Saviour. And, I know of no other better example of God's grace and strength in our day than my husband. I know it is dangerous to put a person on a pedestal, but if you know Ron, I know you would have to agree. Keep on praying, dear friends, for him... this is tough stuff.
Until next time...
Clinging to the Rock
PS: I'll try to give you the above answers soon... in the meantime, see if you can figure them out yourself.
I like good news...
Just a few lines here.
I was told that my aunt is talking!!! And, no more respirator... Aunt Cathy, if you read this, if I have been spelling your name incorrectly, please forgive me... wasn't sure if you have a C or a K at the front of your name... that is bad, huh? I don't know that I have ever bragged on being a fantastic speller anyway... I like grammar, but, even that fails at this time of the night... who cares about punctuation, spelling, conjugation, and the correct format of sentences after midnight? I am just glad to hear that you are doing better! You are very much loved! Here is a long distance hug to you XXXX. We love you!
If anyone else wants to call me with good news, I will be glad to receive it. Lately, it seems that most people have bad news... I mean, can we take a break from all the trauma?!
Mom is scheduled to see the cardiologist Monday, and I guess she will probably have a heart cath whenever they schedule it. Dad still isn't feeling great since his heart attacks.
Ron is going to a Men's Retreat. I am so glad that it is scheduled before his transplant! I hope it is encouraging and relaxing to him... we all know he could use it... not sure if he can actually make himself not work for a couple of days... he's such a go-getter, busy, productive kind of guy... I really tried to encourage him to go to this thing, and I won... I love it when that happens! I have the next few days so booked for me and the girls that I think it is going to fly by! We are going to visit my brother's family, and do all sort-of stuff. I am actually excited to show the girls what is on the schedule! Call it a little vacation of a sort.
God has been good to us... we don't know what lies ahead, but the Bible says we can trust Jesus. So, I guess I better flop this load I have been carrying on His lap, 'cause I have no clue what to do with it. I am just wasting my energy and mind trying to figure everything out, and in the meantime, I have been often leaving out the One Who knows exactly what to do with it all. I need some sleep, and I guess carrying this massive load isn't conducive to sleep. So, FLOP, and goodnight!
I was told that my aunt is talking!!! And, no more respirator... Aunt Cathy, if you read this, if I have been spelling your name incorrectly, please forgive me... wasn't sure if you have a C or a K at the front of your name... that is bad, huh? I don't know that I have ever bragged on being a fantastic speller anyway... I like grammar, but, even that fails at this time of the night... who cares about punctuation, spelling, conjugation, and the correct format of sentences after midnight? I am just glad to hear that you are doing better! You are very much loved! Here is a long distance hug to you XXXX. We love you!
If anyone else wants to call me with good news, I will be glad to receive it. Lately, it seems that most people have bad news... I mean, can we take a break from all the trauma?!
Mom is scheduled to see the cardiologist Monday, and I guess she will probably have a heart cath whenever they schedule it. Dad still isn't feeling great since his heart attacks.
Ron is going to a Men's Retreat. I am so glad that it is scheduled before his transplant! I hope it is encouraging and relaxing to him... we all know he could use it... not sure if he can actually make himself not work for a couple of days... he's such a go-getter, busy, productive kind of guy... I really tried to encourage him to go to this thing, and I won... I love it when that happens! I have the next few days so booked for me and the girls that I think it is going to fly by! We are going to visit my brother's family, and do all sort-of stuff. I am actually excited to show the girls what is on the schedule! Call it a little vacation of a sort.
God has been good to us... we don't know what lies ahead, but the Bible says we can trust Jesus. So, I guess I better flop this load I have been carrying on His lap, 'cause I have no clue what to do with it. I am just wasting my energy and mind trying to figure everything out, and in the meantime, I have been often leaving out the One Who knows exactly what to do with it all. I need some sleep, and I guess carrying this massive load isn't conducive to sleep. So, FLOP, and goodnight!
Monday, September 21, 2009
When it rains, it pours... and, there's a storm here!
"The EKG wasn't normal. Mom has to have a heart cath now. How much more can our family take?" Rachel is my reporter. My parents are in financial difficulty partially due to dad's health issues and not being able to work, and therefore, they do not have long distance phone service. My little sister, who is a manager at a McDonald's "down home," has long distance and she keeps me posted somewhat on Dad, Aunt Cathy, and Mom. It is crazy how life can have its twists and turns! I call "home" often, too, to check up on my folks and for a report on my aunt.
However, I have some fun news... I feel inspired for another round of Children's Church. If you go to our church, please save your cereal boxes! If you have a cereal bar recipe, please share them with me. Electa, I need you to make me a life-size race car. Amy S, I will need your assistance with baby Hope again. Tha
nks, Rebecca M and Melodie Y, for running through my thoughts over the phone with me... Rebecca, you saved me on a few things, thanks! I am sooo very excited! The theme is JUMP START: BREAKFAST! Don't tell the children yet... I don't want to spoil the fun! I felt that the Lord may have given me the fresh idea last night as I sat looking at all the cereal the Roofs gave us. It hit me that there was a fresh idea there, and I prayed for what I should do, and I ran with it. I have the Bible lesson ideas ready, I know what character story I want, I know what CD I want to buy for the songs, I have verses picked out, some ideas for treats, and drew an outline for the decor for the classroom. The skeleton of the next series is ready... just need to fill in the blanks! SOOOO, excited! I have like maybe 5 weeks to get it all ready to go! I love this stuff. Although, I am having a little trouble with the bulletin board ideas, but, I am sure it'll come to me! This is something that just really helps take the sorrow off my heart with all the pain in my life right now... it is the numbing medicine and the boost... and, I am really glad! I need Children's Church as much as it needs me.

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Excuse us as we compare mobile homes.
My little sister, Rachel, just moved into a mobile home not long ago, and due to all the craziness in our lives right now... family, health, finances, work, schedules, you know... neither of us have been able to visit the other's trailor home. So, Rach, here's my attempt to take some panaramic pictures of a couple of rooms. I have 1 and 1/2 baths, 3 bedrooms, the kitchen and dining area are one and the same, a laundry CLOSET (this I don't much care for... nowhere to hide the ever growing laundry), a living room, and a small hall. The one bedroom is used as a school/study and is where Hope's pack'n'play currently is set up. We have a nice porch and a patio area. The neighbors here all seem to know each others' business and watch out for each other. If anything happened to Ron or they thought we needed help, I know several who would probably be knocking at my door, or asking if there is anything they can do. Not that they ever have had to do that, they just give me that impression mostly. If someone looked suspicious around here, I think the cops might receive several phone calls... the speed limit is 10 miles an hour here! They are particular about cleanliness and orderliness, and I have heard they will write up residents for not lining up. They have security, too. Nice play area with a track for exercise. It is usually VERY quiet here! What a change if you once lived near the city! They even have lots you can rent for gardening! I would like to do that next year, if possible. I like having big yards, but I am getting used to this. I feel pretty safe... except in tornado weather!
Even though I feel safe, it is going to be strange without my hubby here for a while. You see, although we have security, good neighbors over all, dead-bolt locks on the doors, locks on the windows, a light that pops on when there is movement outside, and I have Ron's gun, it is not the same as having my man. He weighs nearly 260 and is very strong... yes, even with all the chemo he has had. In his high school days, he was fourth in the state in heavy weight wrestling, and before he was a Christian, he would beat up people for the fun of it. Of course, he would not do that now, but I would not want to be the person who tried to harm his family... I am certain he can still take 'um down. I can't even do a whole push-up, but he can do lots of them, and because he still works hard, he is still muscular... maybe not quite like his wrestling days, but he is one strong preacher now... :-) I have been very impressed watching him lift very large appliances all by himself when we needed move them... he's a tough cookie!
But, there is One who is stronger still, who will be watching out for his children... and, I am so glad Jesus will be here with us. Maybe He will even send some reinforcements... some friends or some extra angels our way. That would be nice.
"But, Sarah, you are not alone."
Tonight I got a taste of what it will be like to be without my husband with me for a while.
He is in Columbus for the preliminary testing. He signed the consents... last night he wasn't sure, but decided finally to go through with it. He went for a few tests today, and has more tomorrow (actually "today" was yesterday, and "tomorrow" is now today, since it is after one in the morning). He has a bone marrow biopsy or aspiration tomorrow... those things are yuck. Watched him at least two or three times get those! You don't get put to sleep while they grind this thing through your skin and into your bone and the sound it makes is just... well, you just don't want to know! He does amazingly well during these things... maybe the numbing medicine is powerful or he's just a tough cookie. He will be home tomorrow, and we should know soon when he will be admitted.
I felt like an emotional basketcase at church. I really put extra effort into trying to be "prepared" for church... I mean, I had a sippy cup of water, snack crackers, raisins, paper and pencils, a book, a few toys, diapers, wipes, anti-bacterial lotion, powder, about anything you might need to make church go as smoothly as possible with three very tiny children and being without my husband's assistance. I even had them use the bathroom before church like a good mommy would. Changed the baby's diaper before church. Dressed them up cute, fixed their hair beautifully, and gave them a bite to eat before we went to church. We prayed before we left our trailor park for God's help in church. They napped in the van on the way to church. But, would you know with all the work I put into helping me survive the service, I still had a struggle with them! It just isn't the same without Ron. Yes, I heard Hope trying to sing, and Faith testified, but they weren't well rested, and I didn't have Ron. Some friends eventually came to my rescue, and that was nice.
As we prayed during the prayer meeting, I cried quietly to God because of the "alone-ness," and it was ever so sweet to "hear" Him gently say to me that I wasn't and wouldn't be alone... I felt Him direct my attention to my church family. I had been complaining lately about them a little... sometimes the devil tries to tell me that they really don't care, that they are too busy for sharing my hurt, but the devil is defeated tonight... he is a liar! After I felt God reminding me of my church family, I cried quietly and shook with the emotion of it all. Right then, someone came to where I was kneeling, wrapped their arm around me and prayed gently with me, then, someone came and sat with me and my children for the remainder of the service. They have no idea what they did for me tonight. Jesus was there... wrapped in the skins of my friends.
He is in Columbus for the preliminary testing. He signed the consents... last night he wasn't sure, but decided finally to go through with it. He went for a few tests today, and has more tomorrow (actually "today" was yesterday, and "tomorrow" is now today, since it is after one in the morning). He has a bone marrow biopsy or aspiration tomorrow... those things are yuck. Watched him at least two or three times get those! You don't get put to sleep while they grind this thing through your skin and into your bone and the sound it makes is just... well, you just don't want to know! He does amazingly well during these things... maybe the numbing medicine is powerful or he's just a tough cookie. He will be home tomorrow, and we should know soon when he will be admitted.
I felt like an emotional basketcase at church. I really put extra effort into trying to be "prepared" for church... I mean, I had a sippy cup of water, snack crackers, raisins, paper and pencils, a book, a few toys, diapers, wipes, anti-bacterial lotion, powder, about anything you might need to make church go as smoothly as possible with three very tiny children and being without my husband's assistance. I even had them use the bathroom before church like a good mommy would. Changed the baby's diaper before church. Dressed them up cute, fixed their hair beautifully, and gave them a bite to eat before we went to church. We prayed before we left our trailor park for God's help in church. They napped in the van on the way to church. But, would you know with all the work I put into helping me survive the service, I still had a struggle with them! It just isn't the same without Ron. Yes, I heard Hope trying to sing, and Faith testified, but they weren't well rested, and I didn't have Ron. Some friends eventually came to my rescue, and that was nice.
As we prayed during the prayer meeting, I cried quietly to God because of the "alone-ness," and it was ever so sweet to "hear" Him gently say to me that I wasn't and wouldn't be alone... I felt Him direct my attention to my church family. I had been complaining lately about them a little... sometimes the devil tries to tell me that they really don't care, that they are too busy for sharing my hurt, but the devil is defeated tonight... he is a liar! After I felt God reminding me of my church family, I cried quietly and shook with the emotion of it all. Right then, someone came to where I was kneeling, wrapped their arm around me and prayed gently with me, then, someone came and sat with me and my children for the remainder of the service. They have no idea what they did for me tonight. Jesus was there... wrapped in the skins of my friends.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
A couple of pics Part 2
A couple of pics
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I miss it already!
"It" is Children's Church. I just told Ron last night how much I missed teaching. You think I would be grateful for the break. I guess I am, but there is something so satisfying about teaching those youngsters. They are challenging, but wonderful! I think I would just shrivel up into nothing if I had noone to teach... so... right now, my students are my own kids at home. I had to take a break from CC because of Ron's situation; otherwise, I would have probably offered to keep going with a new theme. It felt strange being in the adult service Sunday morning. I enjoyed the service, except my baby Hope was exceptionally fussy (no, Amy, I didn't pinch her this time :-) You would just have to be there to know why I would do such a thing... she was not really hurt).
When we visited the Kenwood Church Sunday night, I saw their Children's Church before the service. My two older children went to CC that evening there. My children love Ms Charolette... she is so gentle and good with children... you get this feeling that she is geniunely interested in you alone. I would love to learn some skills from her. I want the children in our class to feel loved that way, too. It is something that could stick with a child for many years to come.
So, I guess I will just have to be patient and wait until I can start teaching again... the desire is burning a hole in me.
When we visited the Kenwood Church Sunday night, I saw their Children's Church before the service. My two older children went to CC that evening there. My children love Ms Charolette... she is so gentle and good with children... you get this feeling that she is geniunely interested in you alone. I would love to learn some skills from her. I want the children in our class to feel loved that way, too. It is something that could stick with a child for many years to come.
So, I guess I will just have to be patient and wait until I can start teaching again... the desire is burning a hole in me.
Monday, September 14, 2009
A lost art
There is a seemingly lost art that I got to experience last night. My hubby preached at Kenwood Bible Methodist Church and did a very fine job, and WE WERE INVITED to go to the Durr's house for dinner and fellowship afterward. They didn't just send us home with a sack lunch or whatever, they had us over and even though they are older they love kids!!! I mean, they were prepared! They have a play area for children!!! Seriously! They were sweet to my children, they weren't panicked about their house getting "messed up." I have found that when people have small children, invitations sometimes almost completely cease (except with family). I felt like someone wrapped their arms around me and just hugged me! It was absolutely wonderful. The food was great! The fellowship was enough to almost make me want to cry. I felt so good as I left. It didn't seem like just a duty... they said they enjoy company... we weren't even the only ones there. Larry Smith and his wife were there as well, and they didn't seem annoyed at my children either! No degrading comments, but rather compliments. How fun! Made me think that I need to try to have people over more often. It might make someone's day! I have lots of toys and books here for small children, and we live in a nice neighborhood with park nearby. I am prepared that way. There are probably lots of people out there that never get invited to someone's house... you know, have a relaxed dinner, the ladies clean-up, then everyone sits down and just visits... I don't mean gossip... just talk about their own lives, about the Bible, about ministry, about child-raising, grandparenting, recipes, quilting, whatever... when you are asked into someone's home, it is like they are allowing you into their world, and that is how I felt last night... it was like someone hugged me and said "I love you just the way you are, and that's that." It seems like a lost art, but I think I would like to learn it.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Mission's Convention and other things
This weekend is Mission's Convention at our church. The mission's organization that comes every year is EFM. You ought to attend if you live close by!
I got word from my brother that my aunt that had the open heart surgery is not doing well... he said that he was told that her stomach was bleeding from the blood thinners. I called over to the hospital, and they said she is in ICU, but the nurse was busy and asked me to call back later. I had wanted to talk to my parents, but I don't know if they are there. That is the down side of my family not having cell phones. Ron and I have cells for many reasons... but, it is pretty pricey... but, I see it as a necessity right now. Ron and I can talk to each other as much as we want without using any minutes up... that is good, cause we talk to each other a whole lot throughout the day. I hope and pray that Aunt Cathy will be okay.
Um, this is a note to Tammy from camp... I tried to email you, but it didn't go through... could you email me... maybe that would clear up any errors I have in your email address.
Thanks to all the pastors, friends, GBS folks, and others for the cards! They are so special! Keep in mind that we moved a while back, and so if you are sending them to our old address, they may take some time getting here. If you would like our new address, just email me (above). Thanks for your continued prayers concerning Ron's treatments.
By the way, for those of you who have been wondering (I know some have been, because I have been asked a few times), Ron's allergic reaction was not too serious the other day. I guess he got that feeling in his mouth, got a hive, but then took some Benedryl and that seemed to stop him from having the full effect. Sometimes his reactions can be quite uncomfortable, and when he was a child I guess it even affected his breathing. So, if we visit your house, and he asks what the ingredients are in your food, please do not be offended... he has to do that... no poultry meat allowed... poor guy... I love poultry, but don't see much point buying much of it if I can't make it for him.
I have been tackling laundry and other housework today. Nice thing about Saturdays is the break from homeschooling. I was not very nice to Faith yesterday in school and she has been telling people at church about it... how embarrassing! I told her I was sorry and I would not react in that manner again... if you homeschool, you might know what I mean, when I say that sometimes when they just don't seem to "get it," it can be frustrating. When I worked in Christian schools, the children were not mine, so I didn't take their errors personnally... but, for some reason, I did when Faith failed an oral evaluation yesterday. After my "not so nice" attitude, I changed my tactic. We took a break... I played babydolls with my girls... ha! Then, we tried a learning game. Seriously... it was like I was talking to a brick wall... I could not for the life of me get the concept across to her... Charity and Hope joined in the game, and Charity seemed to be catching on quicker than Faith. Soooo, after the game, I tried another tactic... I will have her write this thing over and over. We tried that. She started catching on. Seriously, I was determined to get this thing into her. She memorizes so well, and does well with phonics, but can you guess what the battle was?! Recognizing the numbers 10 and 11 (Math class)! Another day, the struggle was teaching her what a mayor was (Social Studies class). HA! I couldn't get her to say "mayor." Sounds silly looking back, but at the time, it seemed a big deal. She usually excels in her work... seriously excels! So, why was I making such a big deal out of it... don't know! I LOVE homeschooling... but, yesterday, I was ashamed that I had gotten so upset about something, that obviously was my fault, because I had not spent enough time in number recognition... sure, we've practiced counting, doing some telling time, did some work with patterns, etc., but we needed to work more on recognizing numbers 10-20 on flashcards. So, that means extra practice this week. Sigh. That is what can happen if you try to fly through your work... you can miss something important.
I got word from my brother that my aunt that had the open heart surgery is not doing well... he said that he was told that her stomach was bleeding from the blood thinners. I called over to the hospital, and they said she is in ICU, but the nurse was busy and asked me to call back later. I had wanted to talk to my parents, but I don't know if they are there. That is the down side of my family not having cell phones. Ron and I have cells for many reasons... but, it is pretty pricey... but, I see it as a necessity right now. Ron and I can talk to each other as much as we want without using any minutes up... that is good, cause we talk to each other a whole lot throughout the day. I hope and pray that Aunt Cathy will be okay.
Um, this is a note to Tammy from camp... I tried to email you, but it didn't go through... could you email me... maybe that would clear up any errors I have in your email address.
Thanks to all the pastors, friends, GBS folks, and others for the cards! They are so special! Keep in mind that we moved a while back, and so if you are sending them to our old address, they may take some time getting here. If you would like our new address, just email me (above). Thanks for your continued prayers concerning Ron's treatments.
By the way, for those of you who have been wondering (I know some have been, because I have been asked a few times), Ron's allergic reaction was not too serious the other day. I guess he got that feeling in his mouth, got a hive, but then took some Benedryl and that seemed to stop him from having the full effect. Sometimes his reactions can be quite uncomfortable, and when he was a child I guess it even affected his breathing. So, if we visit your house, and he asks what the ingredients are in your food, please do not be offended... he has to do that... no poultry meat allowed... poor guy... I love poultry, but don't see much point buying much of it if I can't make it for him.
I have been tackling laundry and other housework today. Nice thing about Saturdays is the break from homeschooling. I was not very nice to Faith yesterday in school and she has been telling people at church about it... how embarrassing! I told her I was sorry and I would not react in that manner again... if you homeschool, you might know what I mean, when I say that sometimes when they just don't seem to "get it," it can be frustrating. When I worked in Christian schools, the children were not mine, so I didn't take their errors personnally... but, for some reason, I did when Faith failed an oral evaluation yesterday. After my "not so nice" attitude, I changed my tactic. We took a break... I played babydolls with my girls... ha! Then, we tried a learning game. Seriously... it was like I was talking to a brick wall... I could not for the life of me get the concept across to her... Charity and Hope joined in the game, and Charity seemed to be catching on quicker than Faith. Soooo, after the game, I tried another tactic... I will have her write this thing over and over. We tried that. She started catching on. Seriously, I was determined to get this thing into her. She memorizes so well, and does well with phonics, but can you guess what the battle was?! Recognizing the numbers 10 and 11 (Math class)! Another day, the struggle was teaching her what a mayor was (Social Studies class). HA! I couldn't get her to say "mayor." Sounds silly looking back, but at the time, it seemed a big deal. She usually excels in her work... seriously excels! So, why was I making such a big deal out of it... don't know! I LOVE homeschooling... but, yesterday, I was ashamed that I had gotten so upset about something, that obviously was my fault, because I had not spent enough time in number recognition... sure, we've practiced counting, doing some telling time, did some work with patterns, etc., but we needed to work more on recognizing numbers 10-20 on flashcards. So, that means extra practice this week. Sigh. That is what can happen if you try to fly through your work... you can miss something important.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Mommies are not allowed to be sick!
I feel blaaa! I am sick... my body aches, I cough, I sneeze, the lymph nodes in my throat feel weird, I have a different voice, temps a little higher than normal, and I am officially sick. I don't get sick like this very often, but it has come upon me, and what do you know, but life still demands my attention?! I couldn't call off my job. I still had to make sure my children were fed, bathed, and safe. I still mowed my grass. I still washed dishes, cleaned the refrigerator... who spilled that drink?!, cleaned the microwave, my bathroom, did a 1/2 days worth of homeschooling, and oh, even my jaws ache! Maybe that is from talking too much or from chewing that gum. Around my eyes hurt... but, life must go on... I am on active duty... I have to be... MY HUSBAND ACCIDENTALLY ATE SOMETHING WITH CHICKEN MEAT TODAY!!! It happened at work, so I didn't get to read the ingredients before he ate it. (In case you don't know, my hubby is highly allergic to poultry!!! Has been since he was a child!) The Salisbury steaks we usually buy do not have chicken meat, but some do... we have to ask about meats and stuff even at restaurants! Anyway, he took some anti-histamine, and you know what that can do to a person... knocked him out... so no church for us tonight... and, I, sick mommy, am on active duty still.
I even slept part of the night sitting up so I could breathe better. Blaaa! At least I am not vomiting and stuff (yet).
My aunt had a one-way bypass today... still waiting to see how she is doing. I would rather have my sickness than hers! Please, keep praying for her recovery.
I even slept part of the night sitting up so I could breathe better. Blaaa! At least I am not vomiting and stuff (yet).
My aunt had a one-way bypass today... still waiting to see how she is doing. I would rather have my sickness than hers! Please, keep praying for her recovery.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Sorry if you missed it!
The Lord really helped Ron preach tonight. Ron doesn't preach real often, since he is not the pastor... but, he preached tonight with gusto! I loved it! Of course, I am a bit prejudice toward him, I guess. I like to hear him do what he felt called to do years ago... preach!
On another thought:
Yes, my friends, I have gotten swept into the herb, vitamin, and natural-healing ideas somewhat. I actually tried to convince Ron tonight that if he doesn't want to do the transplant, maybe he should let me "treat" him with the things I have been studying about. He actually listened and acted as though he might consider it if he decides not to do the transplant. What does he have to loose? Okay, you can laugh at me now, but hey, can you blame me? Here I am trying to detoxify my body with these herbs and stuff and sitting here thinking of them pumping all this toxic stuff into my husband's precious body... he has been through so much of this stuff before, and when is it enough? He may still do the transplant, and I will support him if that is what he decides... but, it was a thought that just maybe there is another way. If you tell Ron that I wrote this on my blog, he is probably going to be embarrassed... but, there is no telling what I will write when it is nearly 12am, and I have heartburn from the veggie soup (tomato juice doesn't settle well with me at night, and I also drank cranberry juice... I was really asking for it!)
Yet another thought"
Three little children stayed after Children's Church this morning to pray for Jesus to come in their heart... what an honor to lead them in prayer! Have I ever mentioned how I love to teach Children's Church?! It is exhausting, but sooo rewarding!
On another thought:
Yes, my friends, I have gotten swept into the herb, vitamin, and natural-healing ideas somewhat. I actually tried to convince Ron tonight that if he doesn't want to do the transplant, maybe he should let me "treat" him with the things I have been studying about. He actually listened and acted as though he might consider it if he decides not to do the transplant. What does he have to loose? Okay, you can laugh at me now, but hey, can you blame me? Here I am trying to detoxify my body with these herbs and stuff and sitting here thinking of them pumping all this toxic stuff into my husband's precious body... he has been through so much of this stuff before, and when is it enough? He may still do the transplant, and I will support him if that is what he decides... but, it was a thought that just maybe there is another way. If you tell Ron that I wrote this on my blog, he is probably going to be embarrassed... but, there is no telling what I will write when it is nearly 12am, and I have heartburn from the veggie soup (tomato juice doesn't settle well with me at night, and I also drank cranberry juice... I was really asking for it!)
Yet another thought"
Three little children stayed after Children's Church this morning to pray for Jesus to come in their heart... what an honor to lead them in prayer! Have I ever mentioned how I love to teach Children's Church?! It is exhausting, but sooo rewarding!
Hold on to your seats...
We are doing serious thinking and are praying about this transplant, chemo, and radiation thing. Ron is not certain it is what he wants to do. It feels a little like a gamble... you throw the dice and you either live or die or die slowly with this thing, and it is about as clear as mud to us. Right now, no for sure cancer is showing up on the last two PET scans, Ron is extremely active... he works, ministers, helps me and others, and enjoys his children and family. This thing could ruin all that for him for a long time or kill him. We know what the doctor said about it being the only way to cure him... but, does it make it the best choice?! Ron wants to know what I think... I just don't know either... but, I told him that whatever he chooses, I will support him in that choice. Ron is a wise man, and he likes to think things through very carefully.
Please, pray that we will have wisdom and clarity in this.
I will plan to let you know what his choice is in the future. I wanted to let you know what was going on here so you are not totally shocked if we say that he decided not to go through with it. I know that this might upset some folk, but if you have never walked in this path, it will be hard for you to understand. He might still go through with it... but, we are just not sure right now... we know of others who have refused this because of its harshness. I can't blame him for doubting the wisdom in all this. It is a roller-coaster ride that we have been on and I am weary.
Please, pray that we will have wisdom and clarity in this.
I will plan to let you know what his choice is in the future. I wanted to let you know what was going on here so you are not totally shocked if we say that he decided not to go through with it. I know that this might upset some folk, but if you have never walked in this path, it will be hard for you to understand. He might still go through with it... but, we are just not sure right now... we know of others who have refused this because of its harshness. I can't blame him for doubting the wisdom in all this. It is a roller-coaster ride that we have been on and I am weary.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
"Did you hear about Aunt Cathy"
Rachel asks me in a chat on Yahoo a short while ago.
No, I say, What?
She had a heart attack...
What is going on?! My dad just had 2 heart attacks recently, and now his sister had one! I called her at the hospital and talked with her a little bit ago, and found out the details and how she is feeling. This is unbelievable! Her husband just passed away of cancer like a little over a year ago, I think. I am a bit surprised at this new turn of events. Life is definitely uncertain!!!
Please, pray for my Aunt Cathy... this must be so frightening for her... she called the ambulance herself!!! I am glad she was able to do that. I love her, and she is always has so much fun with my babies! I am sure my grandparents are a little overwhelmed having 2 of their 3 offspring have heart attacks so close together. It wasn't too long ago that Grandpa had his stomach removed because of a cancerous tumor... they said it hadn't spread... which is amazing! Then, right down the line, people got heart problems or cancer in our family circles in just the last couple of years... Uncle Frank, Ron, dad, Aunt Cathy, etc... you just never know...
Sure glad we have the One who never changes on our side... The Solid Rock, Jesus Christ... you can cling to Him when everything else gives way. He doesn't budge... He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Praise the Lord! So hang on tight, and you are sure to make it! He won't push you away... He wants you to make it way more than you want to make it yourself! He demonstrated that on the cross! Thank You, Jesus!
"When all around my heart gives way, He then is all my hope and stay."
No, I say, What?
She had a heart attack...
What is going on?! My dad just had 2 heart attacks recently, and now his sister had one! I called her at the hospital and talked with her a little bit ago, and found out the details and how she is feeling. This is unbelievable! Her husband just passed away of cancer like a little over a year ago, I think. I am a bit surprised at this new turn of events. Life is definitely uncertain!!!
Please, pray for my Aunt Cathy... this must be so frightening for her... she called the ambulance herself!!! I am glad she was able to do that. I love her, and she is always has so much fun with my babies! I am sure my grandparents are a little overwhelmed having 2 of their 3 offspring have heart attacks so close together. It wasn't too long ago that Grandpa had his stomach removed because of a cancerous tumor... they said it hadn't spread... which is amazing! Then, right down the line, people got heart problems or cancer in our family circles in just the last couple of years... Uncle Frank, Ron, dad, Aunt Cathy, etc... you just never know...
Sure glad we have the One who never changes on our side... The Solid Rock, Jesus Christ... you can cling to Him when everything else gives way. He doesn't budge... He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Praise the Lord! So hang on tight, and you are sure to make it! He won't push you away... He wants you to make it way more than you want to make it yourself! He demonstrated that on the cross! Thank You, Jesus!
"When all around my heart gives way, He then is all my hope and stay."
Friday, September 4, 2009
Ron's Allogeneic Blood and Marrow Transplant
Today we had our pre-admission education.
In less than 2 weeks from now, he will need to get his work-up... could include chest x-ray, stress MUGA, pulmonary functioning testing, bone marrow test... yuck, and signing consents.
Then, they are hoping to admit him by the end of the month if everything goes well with the cords and all. This is considered a clinical trial that he is undergoing.
He will then have to have another central venous catheter placed, then begin the gruelling treatments. There was some confusion today whether he was receiving a non-myeloblative preparative regimen or a myeloblative... I believe it is the former.
Here is what I understand is to happen. He is to begin treatments six days before his double umbilical cord blood (UCB) transplant. He will begin taking a drug called fludarabine, by IV once a day for five days. Then, cyclophosphamide on the sixth day before tranplant. On the day before transplantion, he is to receive a low dose of total body irradiation (TBI). Then comes the transplant. Three days before the transplant, he should be given cyclosporine twice a day and Mycophenolate mofetil three times a day to prevent his body from rejecting the donor's stem cells and to help decrease the risk of devoloping a complication called graft-versus-host-disease (GVHD) which can be mild or severe, even life-threatening.
The side effects of these chemotherapies and other medications are not a game... some are life threatening... some serious ones are very rare, like pneumonia, brain injury, rupturing of spleen, bloody vomit, confusion, fast heartrate, etc. Some are common... hair loss, decreased WBC, decreased platelets, anemia, tiredness, nausea, vomiting, tremors, mouth sores, and stuff like that... most are treatable.
We continue to covet your prayers. We also found out that the recovery period is long, and he will likely need a caregiver (me) 24 hours a day for at least 2 months afterward... a fever can come upon him quickly and it can be quite dangerous... and, graft-versus-host may appear even after that and could be chronic. His immune system could take a long time to recover.
Would it be any surprise to you if I told you I am having problems again with anxiety attacks?!
I have a couple of nieces staying all night and the girls are having a little slumber party... they are hoping that I write about them on here... they are having a blast... Sierra wants me to tell you all that she is dressed up with a bunny hat... they are having a tea party and have children's Christian choruses blasting and are dancing around. Ron is not home right now, he went out to witness to an old friend, fix an issue with one our vans, and went to his office to prepare for Sunday's sermon. So, the riot is on at our house! Party complete with pizza that Mimi bought for them earlier today... now there is a fight going on about a stuffed animal! Hope is putting on little dress up shoes.... nothing much cuter than a baby with nothing than a diaper and heeled dress-up shoes on.
This Sunday is the last of the series of "Child of the King: Pure Royalty" Children's Church series at our church, then the Beatty family takes over for a few weeks, at least. I really felt God's help last week, and we have been having various folks tell the Bible stories. I love being in charge of Children's Church, but I am looking forward to the break.
We didn't have school today... Faith is ahead and it will not hurt her to have the day off... since Ron and I had to be in Columbus... and, Aunt Shenna watched the girls. Unfortunately, I have not been diligent in Faith's piano practicing the last couple of weeks, and have cancelled lessons two weeks in a row... aren't I getting off tract early?!
I had a neighbor show up at my door this week with a little bit of an emergency... his wife couldn't breath well (she has been in the hospital alot lately), and, though I did not realize it, the husband seems to have been having a diabetic attack! They wanted me to come right over and pray right away for them... I threw on my flip-flops and told my children to stay in the house while I ran next door. I prayed with her while rubbing her frail back... prayer and back rubs are a powerful combination in calming a panicked person, then I brought over some food (cause the husband indicated that they had no food prepared and was in need), and they calmed down, and soon felt better. Then, he went grocery shopping when he could think clearly again. They are a really sweet elderly couple next door and I felt sooo honored that they would have me come over like that... It really is better to give than to receive!!!
Charity is either fighting a cold or allergies... nice sniffles, and took a really big nap today... Hope seems to be having allergy problems, too, only hers came in a form of a slight rash across the face while playing outside. They were playing in the dirt and weeds at the park after we went on a bike ride together the other day, when I discovered the apparent allergy... under her eyes were pink, too... not sure what is causing it. It is not serious, but, I would like to know what it is.
I AM NOT A NURSE, FOLKS!!! I used to dream of being one, and now, without the license, I seem to be in active duty!!! Maybe I SHOULD have gotten my license, after all!
Got off tract on my diet today, I had lost about 10 lbs, and now what have I done?!
Life is complicated here, and some of us are a bit edgy... we continue to keep busy... sometimes stuffing our pain deep in our hearts and sometimes crying our painful hearts out...
But, we press on!
In less than 2 weeks from now, he will need to get his work-up... could include chest x-ray, stress MUGA, pulmonary functioning testing, bone marrow test... yuck, and signing consents.
Then, they are hoping to admit him by the end of the month if everything goes well with the cords and all. This is considered a clinical trial that he is undergoing.
He will then have to have another central venous catheter placed, then begin the gruelling treatments. There was some confusion today whether he was receiving a non-myeloblative preparative regimen or a myeloblative... I believe it is the former.
Here is what I understand is to happen. He is to begin treatments six days before his double umbilical cord blood (UCB) transplant. He will begin taking a drug called fludarabine, by IV once a day for five days. Then, cyclophosphamide on the sixth day before tranplant. On the day before transplantion, he is to receive a low dose of total body irradiation (TBI). Then comes the transplant. Three days before the transplant, he should be given cyclosporine twice a day and Mycophenolate mofetil three times a day to prevent his body from rejecting the donor's stem cells and to help decrease the risk of devoloping a complication called graft-versus-host-disease (GVHD) which can be mild or severe, even life-threatening.
The side effects of these chemotherapies and other medications are not a game... some are life threatening... some serious ones are very rare, like pneumonia, brain injury, rupturing of spleen, bloody vomit, confusion, fast heartrate, etc. Some are common... hair loss, decreased WBC, decreased platelets, anemia, tiredness, nausea, vomiting, tremors, mouth sores, and stuff like that... most are treatable.
We continue to covet your prayers. We also found out that the recovery period is long, and he will likely need a caregiver (me) 24 hours a day for at least 2 months afterward... a fever can come upon him quickly and it can be quite dangerous... and, graft-versus-host may appear even after that and could be chronic. His immune system could take a long time to recover.
Would it be any surprise to you if I told you I am having problems again with anxiety attacks?!
I have a couple of nieces staying all night and the girls are having a little slumber party... they are hoping that I write about them on here... they are having a blast... Sierra wants me to tell you all that she is dressed up with a bunny hat... they are having a tea party and have children's Christian choruses blasting and are dancing around. Ron is not home right now, he went out to witness to an old friend, fix an issue with one our vans, and went to his office to prepare for Sunday's sermon. So, the riot is on at our house! Party complete with pizza that Mimi bought for them earlier today... now there is a fight going on about a stuffed animal! Hope is putting on little dress up shoes.... nothing much cuter than a baby with nothing than a diaper and heeled dress-up shoes on.
This Sunday is the last of the series of "Child of the King: Pure Royalty" Children's Church series at our church, then the Beatty family takes over for a few weeks, at least. I really felt God's help last week, and we have been having various folks tell the Bible stories. I love being in charge of Children's Church, but I am looking forward to the break.
We didn't have school today... Faith is ahead and it will not hurt her to have the day off... since Ron and I had to be in Columbus... and, Aunt Shenna watched the girls. Unfortunately, I have not been diligent in Faith's piano practicing the last couple of weeks, and have cancelled lessons two weeks in a row... aren't I getting off tract early?!
I had a neighbor show up at my door this week with a little bit of an emergency... his wife couldn't breath well (she has been in the hospital alot lately), and, though I did not realize it, the husband seems to have been having a diabetic attack! They wanted me to come right over and pray right away for them... I threw on my flip-flops and told my children to stay in the house while I ran next door. I prayed with her while rubbing her frail back... prayer and back rubs are a powerful combination in calming a panicked person, then I brought over some food (cause the husband indicated that they had no food prepared and was in need), and they calmed down, and soon felt better. Then, he went grocery shopping when he could think clearly again. They are a really sweet elderly couple next door and I felt sooo honored that they would have me come over like that... It really is better to give than to receive!!!
Charity is either fighting a cold or allergies... nice sniffles, and took a really big nap today... Hope seems to be having allergy problems, too, only hers came in a form of a slight rash across the face while playing outside. They were playing in the dirt and weeds at the park after we went on a bike ride together the other day, when I discovered the apparent allergy... under her eyes were pink, too... not sure what is causing it. It is not serious, but, I would like to know what it is.
I AM NOT A NURSE, FOLKS!!! I used to dream of being one, and now, without the license, I seem to be in active duty!!! Maybe I SHOULD have gotten my license, after all!
Got off tract on my diet today, I had lost about 10 lbs, and now what have I done?!
Life is complicated here, and some of us are a bit edgy... we continue to keep busy... sometimes stuffing our pain deep in our hearts and sometimes crying our painful hearts out...
But, we press on!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
There are no "for-sure" malignancies shown on the PET scan... good news! Again! There are some questionable areas... one appears to be reactive (whatever that means) and the most of the others seem to have no up-take of the radiotracer. Some areas may have even shrunk some more. Perhaps scar tissue, or something.
Anyway, that is good news for the "go-ahead" in the tranplant. They want little to no activity when they slap someone with this thing. They said it could be another month before he is admitted. Gotta double check those umbilical cords to be sure they good for him, I guess.
Tomorrow is his pre-transplant educational class. I plan to go with him, if all works out okay... since I, as his "caregiver", need educated, too.
Another thing I have been thinking about, was my last post... you know, to be honest, I had some of the best child-care givers during his last transplant stay that I could ask for. Some were conveniently located in close proximities of the hospital!!! I mean, a couple of families matched perfectly what I wanted in a babysitter! It was TOTALLY a God-thing! They were kind and gentle with my children, while also being firm when needed be, they were solid holiness Christians... actually, some were pastor's wives! They had good experience with children, and was very good to my children. And, they didn't stuff my kids with junk food. I knew that God had opened those doors... now, this time, I am praying for doors to be opened again... where I just know it is a God-thing. I still would be tickled-pink if I could have someone here at my house, but, if not, I am praying that my children would not have to be tossed around too much. The mortality rate of this treatment Ron is about to receive, is like 15%, and I think I would feel just aweful if something happened when I wasn't there for him. And, this will make him so sick, I just want to be the one who is right there to comfort him. He should only be there for maybe 2 1/2 to three weeks, I think, and then, if all goes well, I can take care of him at home... along with my children... and, we can all be together again, school can resume, and I will be super-woman! Back to the routine of life... well, except Ron will probably not work for a little while. And, we will be on the alert against germs and he will have to be on a low-bacterial diet again.
It has been considered to not go through with this thing... you don't understand unless you have been there, it is terrible! Just pray that we will make the right decisions in the nest few days!
Anyway, that is good news for the "go-ahead" in the tranplant. They want little to no activity when they slap someone with this thing. They said it could be another month before he is admitted. Gotta double check those umbilical cords to be sure they good for him, I guess.
Tomorrow is his pre-transplant educational class. I plan to go with him, if all works out okay... since I, as his "caregiver", need educated, too.
Another thing I have been thinking about, was my last post... you know, to be honest, I had some of the best child-care givers during his last transplant stay that I could ask for. Some were conveniently located in close proximities of the hospital!!! I mean, a couple of families matched perfectly what I wanted in a babysitter! It was TOTALLY a God-thing! They were kind and gentle with my children, while also being firm when needed be, they were solid holiness Christians... actually, some were pastor's wives! They had good experience with children, and was very good to my children. And, they didn't stuff my kids with junk food. I knew that God had opened those doors... now, this time, I am praying for doors to be opened again... where I just know it is a God-thing. I still would be tickled-pink if I could have someone here at my house, but, if not, I am praying that my children would not have to be tossed around too much. The mortality rate of this treatment Ron is about to receive, is like 15%, and I think I would feel just aweful if something happened when I wasn't there for him. And, this will make him so sick, I just want to be the one who is right there to comfort him. He should only be there for maybe 2 1/2 to three weeks, I think, and then, if all goes well, I can take care of him at home... along with my children... and, we can all be together again, school can resume, and I will be super-woman! Back to the routine of life... well, except Ron will probably not work for a little while. And, we will be on the alert against germs and he will have to be on a low-bacterial diet again.
It has been considered to not go through with this thing... you don't understand unless you have been there, it is terrible! Just pray that we will make the right decisions in the nest few days!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The big day
Today is the big day... Ron meets with the transplant doctor, and hopefully review the results of yesterday's PET scan... this is decision making day, I guess... I am nervous! I wish sooo badly I could go with Ron, but I refuse to drag three children into the meeting... I don't know that they would be allowed anyway. Ron said that would be the only way I could come... if the children were with me. We did not get a babysitter for today's event. So, I am pouting.
You may laugh as you read this next part... it is okay... you have probably never read such a WANTED article... but, here is my WANTED article for today.
I am interested in a Christian babysitter... female... during Ron's hospital stay. I do not have a job, so I cannot really pay you... seems like an unreasonable request, I know. I would like to have them stay at my house, but that might be impossible for them. You do not have to do school-work 'cause we are ahead, the children are not allowed to be too picky about food, and only one is still in diapers... so, that will lesson your work. They are not allowed to watch regular TV (we don't own one anyway) generally, but very, very select DVDs that are educational, character building, and/or glorifies Jesus. Soda is a very rare treat. Suckers and candy that gets stuck in their teeth is limited. And, I like their teeth brushed last thing before they go to bed. Bathes daily. Uses car seats! Are not allowed to be sassy or disobedient... I would feel very sad if I got them back and they had been allowed to act that way. Holiness Christian woman preferred. I would like a resume'. HA! Physical, emotional, or abuse/neglect otherwise will be prosecuted to the fulness of the law :-) I actually might become a grissly bear if I find out someone harms my children... it will hurt! You can see why I have trouble getting babysitters :-)
Well, I have had babysitters that did not match all of this criteria, and have been a little disappointed in what happened while I was gone, but I needed them and they were available and I was thankful for their help.
There is a friend of mine in a far away land, that I so wish could be my children's caregiver for a couple of weeks... she sooo meets all of my criteria, but, plane tickets aren't free... oh, well. I will pray. I want to be with Ron as much as possible, in case something goes wrong, and also because this treatment is so beastly that I want him to know his children are well cared for and safe and that I am by his side. He would not be able to relax if he thought the children's care was being compromised... he would rather me stay at home with them and leave him at the hospital, then to have a questionable person caring for them. He's a good daddy. I do have a couple of offers and I think my girls will be excited to hear who wants to play with them for a day... I like things pre-planned, so I will have to work out the schedule, and get back with those fine Christian friends of ours!
There is today's prayer request is that the person(s) that God wants for the job would email me. I am hoping not to toss my children around too much this time... they were a little emotional the last time that happened.
You may laugh as you read this next part... it is okay... you have probably never read such a WANTED article... but, here is my WANTED article for today.
I am interested in a Christian babysitter... female... during Ron's hospital stay. I do not have a job, so I cannot really pay you... seems like an unreasonable request, I know. I would like to have them stay at my house, but that might be impossible for them. You do not have to do school-work 'cause we are ahead, the children are not allowed to be too picky about food, and only one is still in diapers... so, that will lesson your work. They are not allowed to watch regular TV (we don't own one anyway) generally, but very, very select DVDs that are educational, character building, and/or glorifies Jesus. Soda is a very rare treat. Suckers and candy that gets stuck in their teeth is limited. And, I like their teeth brushed last thing before they go to bed. Bathes daily. Uses car seats! Are not allowed to be sassy or disobedient... I would feel very sad if I got them back and they had been allowed to act that way. Holiness Christian woman preferred. I would like a resume'. HA! Physical, emotional, or abuse/neglect otherwise will be prosecuted to the fulness of the law :-) I actually might become a grissly bear if I find out someone harms my children... it will hurt! You can see why I have trouble getting babysitters :-)
Well, I have had babysitters that did not match all of this criteria, and have been a little disappointed in what happened while I was gone, but I needed them and they were available and I was thankful for their help.
There is a friend of mine in a far away land, that I so wish could be my children's caregiver for a couple of weeks... she sooo meets all of my criteria, but, plane tickets aren't free... oh, well. I will pray. I want to be with Ron as much as possible, in case something goes wrong, and also because this treatment is so beastly that I want him to know his children are well cared for and safe and that I am by his side. He would not be able to relax if he thought the children's care was being compromised... he would rather me stay at home with them and leave him at the hospital, then to have a questionable person caring for them. He's a good daddy. I do have a couple of offers and I think my girls will be excited to hear who wants to play with them for a day... I like things pre-planned, so I will have to work out the schedule, and get back with those fine Christian friends of ours!
There is today's prayer request is that the person(s) that God wants for the job would email me. I am hoping not to toss my children around too much this time... they were a little emotional the last time that happened.
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