Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sorry if you missed it!

The Lord really helped Ron preach tonight. Ron doesn't preach real often, since he is not the pastor... but, he preached tonight with gusto! I loved it! Of course, I am a bit prejudice toward him, I guess. I like to hear him do what he felt called to do years ago... preach!

On another thought:
Yes, my friends, I have gotten swept into the herb, vitamin, and natural-healing ideas somewhat. I actually tried to convince Ron tonight that if he doesn't want to do the transplant, maybe he should let me "treat" him with the things I have been studying about. He actually listened and acted as though he might consider it if he decides not to do the transplant. What does he have to loose? Okay, you can laugh at me now, but hey, can you blame me? Here I am trying to detoxify my body with these herbs and stuff and sitting here thinking of them pumping all this toxic stuff into my husband's precious body... he has been through so much of this stuff before, and when is it enough? He may still do the transplant, and I will support him if that is what he decides... but, it was a thought that just maybe there is another way. If you tell Ron that I wrote this on my blog, he is probably going to be embarrassed... but, there is no telling what I will write when it is nearly 12am, and I have heartburn from the veggie soup (tomato juice doesn't settle well with me at night, and I also drank cranberry juice... I was really asking for it!)

Yet another thought"
Three little children stayed after Children's Church this morning to pray for Jesus to come in their heart... what an honor to lead them in prayer! Have I ever mentioned how I love to teach Children's Church?! It is exhausting, but sooo rewarding!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Sarah- I would like to send you the videos I was telling you about if you would like them. I will need you mailing address though. I have to order them so I will just have them shipped directly to you. If you could email me at tameraseiler at

Thanks, Tammy from Camp